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Brand new to Explorers


New Member
April 22, 2003
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City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hello all,

I am being forced to sell my '99 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab, Sport 4x4 and take over my wife's '97 XLT,4.0.

I am seriously going to miss the ride height of my Dodge...what types/brands of lifts are out there for me? I am also going to miss the 5.9V8...any cheap power tricks for this engine?



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Welcome to the site. Man, that's two new people in the last 30 minutes.

Don't worry, you can find everything you need here. Don;t know that much about lifts, but all the info is here.

There is anything between a simple 2" spacer lift to a 5.5" SOA lift.

Thanks for the welcome...:)

I have been an avid reader of 4 Wheel and Off road for years, and the only product I could find from their advertisers was for a 4" Superlift (for my year anyway).

Apparently, 1995 saw a big change in the X....

I have not found much on the '97s here, but I probably am looking in the wrong places.

I want to be able to see over all the minivans again! ;-)


I think you can do the Torsion Twist (TT) in the front and shackles and add a leafs in the rear for an easy 2"s. That should be enought for some 31's or maybe 32's.

Heres a few shots of my '97, do you have a 2wd or 4wd?

This is TT/Shackles (Budget Boost, BB) and a 3" ranger body lift on 33's)



I have 4wd (controller on the dash...LOL)...

Nice looking ride!

I'll have to go figure out what all is involved with the Torsion Twist.


Welcome to the Site.
There is a thread on the Shocks, Suspensions, and Lifts forum that will tell you all about doing a Torsion Bar Twist.
There are 2 manufactures that make Suspension lifts for the Explorer. Trailmaster and Superlift.
The Trail master lift will have to be modified to work on 95-97 models, the superlift doesn't.
RCD will be coming out with a Coilover 5" lift that will get rid of the Torsion Bars altogether.

You can fit 31X10.50's stock.
With a Torsion bar twist and Warrior shackles, you can run 32's. Add a 3" body lift and 33's will fit, but some truck rub and some don't.
I have a Trailmaster 98 Ranger 4" lift and a 2" body lift, but my 33's rub at compression in a turn sometimes.
