broke my cv shaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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broke my cv shaft


Active Member
September 24, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Kila Montana
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT 4.0 SOHC 4wd
was out playing in some snow this morning(couple ft) and i busted my driver side CV shaft, with my stock tires(was climbing a steep hill) so now that eventually im upgrading tire size to 32s... i was wondering if there are stronger cv shafts that i can get?


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Where did the shaft break? At the joint or in the middle of the shaft?

If your cv halfshaft broke, I'd think it was about to go before you went out playing in the snow.

middle of the shaft lol.


in the middle? that's fairly impressive. the shaft had to have been on its way out. what i'd recommend, would be to just get lifetime warranty ones from any parts store. i change mine out every year, and haven't had a problem.

in the middle? that's fairly impressive. the shaft had to have been on its way out. what i'd recommend, would be to just get lifetime warranty ones from any parts store. i change mine out every year, and haven't had a problem.

yea broke just before the boot. made one hell of a noise too lol.

