Broken dash bezel studs - solution?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken dash bezel studs - solution??


Active Member
July 22, 2008
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NW Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer
Hi everyone,

My '93 XLT's dash bezel (around the radio, instrument cluster, etc) has most of it's plastic studs broken off, so it just hangs annoyingly in mid-air. Short of trying to find one with all the studs in place on eBay for $60+, does anyone know of any "tricks" to get those metal clips attached again? Perhaps via screwing them on to the remaining plastic stud somehow? Any other tips?

I've read and re-read this post, but it must be from a different generation. I can't see how you can screw the metal clip back onto the bezel.


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The tip you linked to sounds like a real good idea. What they're describing is basically making a stud out of a screw. I used to do this on custom RC car projects and it worked well.

Usually when the metal clips break off, they leave a roughly cylindrical stump behind on the bezel's backside. The stumps usually have reinforcing gussets molded on 4 sides. Find a small screw that threads into the metal clip properly. Personally I'd suggest a self tapping thread for greater hold. Then take that screw and drill a pilot hole for it in the plastic stump, and screw it in so that the screw is still sticking out, but enough threads are bit into the stump to be holding strong. Cut the head off the screw. Then thread the metal clip down onto the screw.

Ah, I get it now! For some reason I wasn't thinking about cutting off the head of the screw. It's right there in the post, but I overlooked it. Thanks!

Cool, glad you figured it out. Check out the drawing I made in MS Paint of it. Not all parts drawn to scale but you get the idea. :)


  • STUD.jpg
    26.8 KB · Views: 301

Wow, that's a mighty good drawing for MS Paint!! Quickly done too! Thanks!!
