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Building a winch bumper for our 01 Explorer.

That is not what the lady at the Post Office said when I dropped off 6 boxes totaling 240lbs today....

LMAO :laugh:

PM me a price, may have to modify for first gen a bit. Or if you want to come down for a weekend and use the navajo as a guinea pig :thumbsup:

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Or you can drag the Navajo up for a weekend and we can build a bumper for it. Especially if it still has the factory bumper frame mounts on it.

If I'm dragging it up there for the front, we're doing the back too:D

Maybe after I get the motor and stuff done.

@RockRanger - do you make these kits? Could you PM me more info? I have a Gen2.


Do you do rear bumpers as well?

Wow this looks perfect. Looking to do something similar but hidden in the stock bumper because of the rules and laws around here. Good job!

[QUOTE = "RockRanger, publicación: 3678412, miembro: 4189"]
Hemos tenido este explorador durante 6 años y ha sido un gran vehículo para que mi esposa conduzca. Ahora es el momento de comenzar a modificarlo. Primero está un parachoques del cabrestante. Se atornilla a los soportes de fábrica que tendrán algunos refuerzos adicionales soldados a ellos. Este es el comienzo de las monturas volteadas en la foto.

20180201_133534 por Matthew Dresselhaus , en Flickr

Desde el lado frontal con los puntos de montaje pegados a la placa del cabrestante.

20180201_133612 por Matthew Dresselhaus , en Flickr

A continuación, un tubo cuadrado de 2x2x.120 de 34.5 "de largo se desliza a través de los cuatro soportes y se apoya en la parte inferior de la placa del cabrestante. Los extremos deben recortarse en el ángulo que se muestra para despejar las placas frontales cuando continúan.

20180202_110644 por Matthew Dresselhaus , en Flickr

20180202_110557 por Matthew Dresselhaus , en Flickr

Hola, buenos días. Quería consultar sobre la venta de planos de 1998 UP RANGER FRONT BUMPER
Estoy en Argentina ya que no es posible ingresar cosas desde el extranjero. Quería comprar la panorámica por mail

Does your bumper use the OEM mounting points? or is cutting/drilling involved? I ask because I had to do some cutting to the OEM mounts when I did my body lift.

Does your bumper use the OEM mounting points? or is cutting/drilling involved? I ask because I had to do some cutting to the OEM mounts when I did my body lift.
Uses the oem mounting points plus another mount welded to the top of the frame.

I think I'm about ready to start welding my kit up (very sexy kit By the way) and was wondering if you have a picture of the new upper bumper mount you talked about?

Is it one of the D ring looking pieces since it looks like you only weld one on each side of the D ring plate and the kit has 2 more.

I think I'm about ready to start welding my kit up (very sexy kit By the way) and was wondering if you have a picture of the new upper bumper mount you talked about?

Is it one of the D ring looking pieces since it looks like you only weld one on each side of the D ring plate and the kit has 2 more.


It is 4 pieces for each shackle mount. Each is a bit different to allow for the angle of the bumper. The additional mount is shown here as for a 3 inch body lift. If no body lift then the gray pice will be cut roughly 3 inches shorter.


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