Building a winch cradle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Building a winch cradle


Active Member
January 16, 2006
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Lake Geneva Wisconsin
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1993 XLT
Sorry i didnt look through all 32 pages of search under this, but i have a Superwinch X9, and i want to mount it in a cradle to put in the back or front, and i was wondering if anyone has built one before, im looking for specs, and what size metal to use, i work for an auto repair shop so alot of tools are available to me, welder, torch, ect. No Bender though, so if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great, i dont want to build something and need to pull myself out and loose the winch or something... Thanks

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I built my own for my Warn XD9000i. Here is the best pic I could find:


I used 1/4" plate for the base and front and back to reinforce the plate from bending and to mount the fairlead. Basically made my own C-channel. The handles are 2"x1/8" strap steel with a piece of metal conduit welded in. I chose to make the handles removable so they are bolted on. The receiver part is 2" x 1/4" wall and is notched to fit under the entire plate the winch is bolted to. This makes it stronger because there is more weld surface.


Brian1 said:
I built my own for my Warn XD9000i. Here is the best pic I could find:


I used 1/4" plate for the base and front and back to reinforce the plate from bending and to mount the fairlead. Basically made my own C-channel. The handles are 2"x1/8" strap steel with a piece of metal conduit welded in. I chose to make the handles removable so they are bolted on. The receiver part is 2" x 1/4" wall and is notched to fit under the entire plate the winch is bolted to. This makes it stronger because there is more weld surface.

Thanks for the info, if you have nemopre pics that would be great, when you said u notched the reciver, did you mean you cut a slit down the center of the 2x2" and then slid the winch plate into it?

dizzy6984 said:
Thanks for the info, if you have nemopre pics that would be great, when you said u notched the reciver, did you mean you cut a slit down the center of the 2x2" and then slid the winch plate into it?

I will take some more pics today and post them tonight. They should answer your questions.

The first pic shows the notch, the top was completly cut out and only the bottom section of the receiver was left and welded under the plate.

In the pics the receiver tube portion length looks deceiving, it really isnt that long.


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