Bulb Covers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bulb Covers


Explorer Addict
August 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Mandeville, LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer XL 2WD
Search revealed nothing... so I'm askin'. :)

Changed the illumination bulb behind the headlight switch and the rear defroster switch last weekend. The little green condom--for lack of a better term--slipped off the defrost switch bulb with ease. I can't say the same for the one behind the headlight switch. That bulb must have been plenty hot and the cover was stuck to it good.

Basically, it ripped and I need a new one. Does anyone know of a store that carries something like it? I think I saw something like that somewhere, of course, back then I never thought I'd be looking for that...:rolleyes:

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I assume you could get one at the ford dealership, just go and ask for a condom:D

Seriously, though, I bet the ford dealership. I think if you just put the bulb in without the condom it will be pretty much the same color, just a little brighter, and I say that because a friend of mine had his condom break too:bsnicker: and his was about the same color without a condom.

Have you seen how it looks without a condom yet?

I assume you could get one at the ford dealership, just go and ask for a condom:D

Seriously, though, I bet the ford dealership. I think if you just put the bulb in without the condom it will be pretty much the same color, just a little brighter, and I say that because a friend of mine had his condom break too:bsnicker: and his was about the same color without a condom.

Have you seen how it looks without a condom yet?

White. :D (Seriously.)

I know this because I just stuck whatever was left on it, and just hoped it'd stay, but it didn't. It's just white light now, which kinda bugs me because everything else on the dash is green. There's no coloring at all, wish there was though, so I wouldn't have to bother with it.

I'd doubt my Ford dealer would have this kind of stuff just lyin' around, but maybe it's worth a shot.

Well, his wasn't a ford. His had some coloring other than the condom, so it didn't make that much of a difference.

Dang! Those lil' f-ers are expensive!

If and only IF you can find them... The bulbs, not the covers. I've got to remember that site when I replace mine... they're bad (again). The fog light must have a loose filament in it.


Thanks for that. $1.70 doesn't seem too bad for a pack of 10, that's 17¢ each, guess it could be cheaper but the alternative is nothing at all...

The bulbs are easy to find, it's just the damn covers. I got replacement bulbs at RadioShack, Catalog #272-1092, comes with 2 in a pack, just got a few packs so I have extras in case.

My bad, I was thinking it was 1 not 10.:banghead: I take back my previous comment. I got confused where on the price is says $1.70 each.
