Buldging chrome rims on 05 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Buldging chrome rims on 05 Explorer


Active Member
November 15, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Boonton, NJ (Morris County, NJ - 45 mins West of New York City)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 explorer eddie bauer
Has anyone else had this problem? My wifes 2005 Explorer Limited that has the optional chrome rims seems to have the spokes buldging on the sides of the spokes. Upon closer inspection, the chrome seems to be a cover that is either made of plastic or thin metal that is chromed. The area that is buldging is on the flat sides (hole area) of the rim and is bulging on more than one rim. The funny thing is that the rim area behind it is normal shaped and does not appear to have been damaged or bent from pot holes in the road.

Is this a common problem? My wifes car is still covered by the 3/36 warranty. Is this something Ford would cover?



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This is a toughy...

Has anyone else had this problem? My wifes 2005 Explorer Limited that has the optional chrome rims seems to have the spokes buldging on the sides of the spokes. Upon closer inspection, the chrome seems to be a cover that is either made of plastic or thin metal that is chromed. The area that is buldging is on the flat sides (hole area) of the rim and is bulging on more than one rim. The funny thing is that the rim area behind it is normal shaped and does not appear to have been damaged or bent from pot holes in the road.

Is this a common problem? My wifes car is still covered by the 3/36 warranty. Is this something Ford would cover?



The pics would be great, but first, if you're keeping the vehicle you should probably get the extended warranty... 3yrs 36k miles, your 3yrs is almost up... I think Ford has an ESP warranty 6 or 7 years, 100k miles... It's worth having.:)

The rim could be damage, not failure - that would be best determined by an inspection. If it's a common problem, then it sounds like Ford would address it, however I've seen only a handful of those rims and they look pretty good.

I will try and get a picture of the rim(s) tomorrow. I am just about to leave for my police dept job right now and will get off at 7 AM. The rim feels flat behind where the blugle in the chrome is which is leading me to believe that the rim is ok and that the thin chrome like cover is what is bulging. The vehicle has an extended warranty that we got through GM since the vehicle was purchased used at a GM dealership. The warranty is bumper to bumper 5 yrs./60,000 miles. But if this is something that Ford will cover under their bumper to bumper warranty, I'd rather do it now before I have to pay the $100 deductable.

I have the same rims on my 05 Limited and have not noticed this problem. I'm interested in what you find out. I'll have to keep an eye on my wheels to see if mine eventually do this.

I have the same wheels no problem yet but I have heard that water and ice makes them buldge...I have the real one's that don't have the steel cover for summer and the winter one's are the steel covered chrome one's.


According to the Ford dealership that I brought it back to, they claim that the rim is cosmetic and will not be covered under the 3/36. I am seriously considering bringing it to another Ford dealer and see what they say about the whole thing.
