BW 4406 Output Shaft - Help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BW 4406 Output Shaft - Help!


Well-Known Member
August 18, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mountaineer 5.0 4x4
Calling all BW 4406 experts. I need your help!

Quick summary.... Is it possible for the output shaft bearing of the BW4406 to wear in such a way that it could be moving and disengaging the Speedo drive gear from the VSS?

Okay long story. I started another thread earlier on the intermittent VSS code, but, I've determined that there is no way it can be an electrical issue.

I've replaced all the sensors, traced out all the wiring, everything is fine. Final proof of that test was spining the speed sensor with a drill, with the engine on and running, to prove that the speed trace is solid.

I've attached a picture of what the trace looks like while driving. When spinning it with the drill, it is a flat line.

The only theory left is that the drive gear is not spinning the VSS consistently... which I just have a really hard time believing.

So, when I grab the drive shaft, I can move it up and down in the tcase by a tiny amount.

Is this possible? Could the output shaft be moving up and down and the speedo drive gear be engaging and disengaging the vss?

Next... is it possible to just remove the output shaft housing, replace the bearing and speedo gear, without removing the whole tcase?


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If the 4406 is setup like the 4405 then the drive gear isnt actually attatched to the output shaft. I had the same issue with my 97 V6, and the gear had worn and was free spinning on the shaft. I put a used t-case in mine and it fixed the problem completely

You had the exact same issue? If it was free spinning, wouldn't it not drive the vss at all?

This was a used tcase. I dont know it's history or mileage, so anything could be wrong, really.

it started like your symptoms, and eventually got to a point where it would only work if i was on the gas hard

Well thanks Ricky. I guess im pulling off that output shaft housing tomorrow. I just need to figure out where to get new bearing, seal, and Speedo gear.

Anyone ever pulled that rear housing with tcase installed?

I dont know how hard that would be. I couldnt find a replacement gear so i never tore mine apart. I just hit up the local pick and pull and grabbed a replacement with lower mileage.

Holy crap!!!! there is a flat spot on the drive gear!!!!

The old one is stuck on there frickin good!!! Won't budge!!!

okay, problem solved. As it turns out there was a slight low spot in the gear, that is undetectable visually. I'd post a picture but it wouldn't show you anything. It wasn't until I had the output shaft housing off and could run my fingers around it could I feel it. $10 part from ford, and all is well!!

Can you post the part number for the speedo gear? Thanks

I wish I could, but I don't have it. I just asked them for the drive gear in a 1997 F150 4x4, and they were able to find it. Of course they tried to give me the driven gear at first, but kept talking, and the parts guy was able to find it.

Incidentally, the way you count teeth on that gear is by looking at the side of it, and counting the bumps where the teeth come to an end on the side. I believe it ended up being 8 teeth.

Yup! That looks like it! It was only $10 bucks at my local dealership though. May want to call your local and see if you can get it cheaper.

Which direction did that plastic gear go on? There is a slot on the inside of the gear that the ball in the output shaft goes into. When I took my old gear off, the slot was pointed to the rear of the case......i had to really "pop" the gear off. When putting the new gear on, it seems like it should go on with the slot towards the front of the case, then it just slides on and the ball keeps it from rotating......but what keeps the gear from working backwards off of the shaft? Does the gear from the speedo sensor keep the drive gear from sliding backwards? Or, do I need to "tap" the drive gear over the ball with the slot pointing towards the front of the case when putting it on?

Thanks for any help with this!

Sorry to dig up an old thread, I'm doing it on a few VSS threads. Just looking to see if any one with the gear driven t-case mounted VSS has found a conversion or something to replace or repair the inside / drive gear. I really don't want to rip into the t-case but if I have to, I guess I will. Or will pay some one else to. I just gotta find a new drive gear some where!

Are you working with a 4406?

pretty sure hes working on the 1354 The 4406 is too easy the tailhousing unbolts as the rear driveshaft is the slip yoke style. His 1354 you have split the cases

it started like your symptoms, and eventually got to a point where it would only work if i was on the gas hard
Hi I am having the same problem I got access to the speedo drive gear but all I can do is spin it on the shaft I can't pull it off the shaft, do I need to take the T case off? I still don't know what to do

Hi I am having the same problem I got access to the speedo drive gear but all I can do is spin it on the shaft I can't pull it off the shaft, do I need to take the T case off? I still don't know what to do
this thread is discussing the BW4406, found behind 4x4 converted v8 explorers... yo probably have the 4405 if you have 4x4 v6

this thread is discussing the BW4406, found behind 4x4 converted v8 explorers... yo probably have the 4405 if you have 4x4 v6
Is this true of my 1996 explorer? Drive gear is inside t-case and I just wanna know if I have to remove and separate the whole case or if I have a separate tailshaft housing. My truck is at a local vocational/technical HS getting some work done so I can just go out to check.

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Is this true of my 1996 explorer? Drive gear is inside t-case and I just wanna know if I have to remove and separate the whole case or if I have a separate tailshaft housing. My truck is at a local vocational/technical HS getting some work done so I can just go out to check.
sorry, i didnt check this thread after! since you have a v6, you either have 1354 or 4405. do you have auto 4wd?
