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bw1354 no 4 low

September 11, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
winston salem,nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 4dr w/ 35's
ill try to keep this story short as possible, i have a 91 explorer w/ the m50r1 man trans and bw 1354 electric shift, the truck was orignally a a4ld auto, i swapped out computer,instrument cluser, trans wiring harness, steering column, everything i could think of to do this swap. i had now way of test out the transfer case,(donor have blown motor)now it will only go in 4 hi, i am not hearing the relay click when i push the button for 4 lo. i am wandering if it is the electric motor or if there is something different for the auto set up to the standerd shift thanks for any input:scratch:

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There is something different but i need to know if you changed all the tranny wiring over including the full engine computer?

i change the wiring harness for the trans it runs up to the driver side inner fenderwell and had 2 plugs on the end, it also went to my oil pressure switch and low level sensor, i changed the computer behind the pass side kick panel

Ok did you add the switch to the clutch? It tells the computer its in neutral or not?

nothing was cut it was all unpluged and repluged

Hummm....Im not to sure. When i did my five speed swap i use a switch system and the auto wiring to trick my truck to start and go into 4lo. I still use the auto wiring and the tranny has no wiring attached.

thanks for your input i have an extra motor for the tcase that i know is good im going to try, i was wandering if my be that it was something else before i go and switch it out again thanks

I would check that first. I just wanted to see if you had all the necessary components on there.

And you lol

there is one wire that is at the two plugs that goes to the trans. on the manual ex's that wire is grounded under the dash someware but goes all the way to the trans on the auto ex's. it is the small red/blue wire just needs to be grounded I had same problem with mine but works great now.

where u grounded it is it uder the dash or at the trans?? any idea of a location

I just pulled the wire out of the auto harness and put it in the manual harness then grounded it at the brake booster.

if you look at both the plugs under the hood where the trans harness plugs in you will see that the manual harness doesn't have the wire in it it just ends at the plug.

Try grounding the red w/ white wire going to the shift computer. This is the wire that lets it know your in neutral. If you do this, be carefull, as you will now have shift-on-the-fly low range, and can do some damage if you try it.


ok I went out and looked when i got home and it is the red/white in the black plug under the hood if you ground it under the hood it still runs through the ecm before going back to the 4x4 modual so it still has to be in nutral with clutch in & stopped to shift into 4lo if you groung it at the modual it will shift in at any time (boom).

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damb i must have been asleep when i looked at mine it is the small red/white in the gray plug if you give me your email i will send you a pic i just took so no more confusion sorry about that.
