bzzz sound shifting out of 5th - 91 x w/ rebuilt tranny | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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bzzz sound shifting out of 5th - 91 x w/ rebuilt tranny


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July 12, 2004
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91 XLT
Hey guys,

I have a 1991 XLT, 4x4, w/ 5spd manual. Tranny went out around 160k, rebuilt from a shop and it went out again 5mo later, rebuilt again (free thankfully to the warranty). It's got around 198k on it now and is making a noise when I shift out of 5th gear. The noise sounds like something spins as I'm disengaging it from 5th, it's not a really "bad" noise, but I've blown two tranny's in 5th gear at 65mph and don't want it to happen again.

Noise isn't noticeable if I wait to shift out of 5th until 35mph or so (say exiting to a stop light). The noise happens as I shift out of 5th, it's as I'm disengaging. It's sort of a "bzzzzt" or a "vzzzzt" sound, lasts probably 1 second.

Any idea's on what the problem is? I've been avoiding 5th lately as I only have to hope on the interstate for 1-2 miles each day and I just keep it in 4th and stay at 65mph and run around 2800 rpms.

Thanks for any and all help,

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synchronizer it sounds like to me any trouble going into or out of gear?

Sometimes it's a little hard to get into gear, or it seems like it just requires a little more force, not too bad at all. I usually notice it in 1st and 2nd gear most though, no trouble getting out though. Just getting in sometimes seems like I feel (through the shifter) the plates (or whatever) line up as I'm engaging it into gear. Kinda hard to explain, but it's like everything isn't 100% lined up. Like if I'm sitting at a stop light, I go to put it first gear it, it'll go in, but if I don't move and take it out of gear and put it back in it's much smoother to go back in.

How serious is this? Is it okay to drive? Problems that may occur if I keep driving it like this?

Thanks for any and all help.

cjbarron5 said:
synchronizer it sounds like to me any trouble going into or out of gear?

eventually you wont get it into 5 th with out alot of grinding it will run for a while but if it is a syncro it will get worse

Will the tranny have to be pulled to repair the syncro's? Any idea of the cost to repair? I know it was like 700 or more to have the tranny replaced just in labor, that's nearing the value of my X, might have to start looking for a new ride.

yes it does have to be pulled but with some help and some tools and a good tranny book you could do it in a weekend probably depending on you mechanical abilities
