CAMPING and 'Wheeling in the Boonies of Vermont! | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CAMPING and 'Wheeling in the Boonies of Vermont!

Aaron, you're more than welcome to my front hub/bearing assemblies and upper control arms. I'll even give you first dibs on my racing muffler.

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izackary said:
Aaron, you're more than welcome to my front hub/bearing assemblies and upper control arms. I'll even give you first dibs on my racing muffler.

Hahaha... thanks buddy - but I believe there is already a pair of your upper arms sitting in my garage. We could make it two pairs....

I do have a used hub assembly that is still serviceable... if you want it.

since they quoted me around $350 (probably typical for a dealer to include a couple hours of cussing and swearing at the bonded brake rotor) i may just take it if i can get them to put it in so i can get it home.

$350 might not be that bad.... The bearing is $175 from Autozone, god knows what from Ford. It would take me, a shade tree mechanic with air tools about 2 hours to put it in.

But like I said, if you want to pick it up at the house, let me know. It has over 117k miles on it... and was starting to make noise. But - it will get you home.

let me know....i'd need to overnight it to get it installed up there in time. No matter what, the mechanics there will be doing the work to get it back here. i'm not towing it again. 8 miles at $2.40/mile over 5 miles is one thing....180 miles is another!

thats a good price- before i became good at that stuff, i paid about 35 bucks more from a private garage


I have still not gotten the headlights. I've called you and left messages for the past month. I may just buy a set off ebay
