Can't sell the X!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can't sell the X!!


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2005
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Toronto, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 4x4 (4 door)
I put my '92 XLT up for sale and can't sell it! It's safety'd and emmission tested, ready to be registered - I don' get it. Anyhow, here's the add, let me know why no one wants it. Everything works but the 4x4. (Cdn. $'s)

1992 Ford Explorer XLT – 4.0V6, auto, white with tan leather interior, 8-way power seats, A/C, tinted windows, loaded - power everything. Needs shift motor for 4x4. 234K km’s. Certified and E-tested. $2,975.

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Well drop the price then, seems to be your only option.

Are you SURE it needs a new shift motor? Search the site and there is a sticky on how to clean the shift motor. This might solve your problem = more desirable to the buyer. :) Good luck

2975 CDN, how much is that in real dollars? :D

Seriously, I bet many of us don't know, therefore can't tell if your price is high or not.

$2500 is ALOT for a 92 with those miles :) at least around here it is. Pictures speak 1000 words. I am not saying it is not worth that, it very well could be, but if it wont sell then it might be priced too high or just give it more time.....

Fixing the shift motor will help alot.. Even though you say it is only the shift motor a potential buyer may assume there could be $$$ costly repairs to the 4x4 drivetrain to get it working again... IMO 4x4 is the selling point of the explorer and not having it in working condition is a huge mistake..

I don't think that price is too high. I searched other X's in autotrader and they go for slightly below but not safety'd or e-tested. The key is that they can buy it for that price and put it on the road, no extra expenses to licence it. If they want 4x4, then they can dump $500 into it - then it's a perfectly operational truck. But who needs 4x4 in summer months anyways. You can't go 4 wheeling with it stock. So they'd have to dump $$ into it to lift it and get off road tires. I'll wait and see - maybe I'll take out the piece on the shift motor, might be scaring people away.

In most cases the shift motor fix is free... You just need to remove it, clean it, and replace the bump stop on the geared sensor.. A bolt on new unit is under $200 for those not wanting to spend a few hours fixing the old unit. Even if a prospective buyer were to never use 4x4 they would still want it in working order. Non working components no matter how big or small are a detraction in any vehicle sale. As such a non working 4x4 sytem is a big negative especially for non mechanically savy buyers. Members on this site know your non working shift motor is no big deal, but an average buyer may have no clue what a shift motor is and if it is a major or minor problem (as such they may just skip over your vehicle in favor of one in working order).

I would beg to differ on the explorers off-road ability in stock form.. Many members have taken their stock Explorers off-road, and they have been proven to be very capable.

On a pvt sale..........having everything working is a plus for the new buyer.....afterall, he is looking for a "deal"......and we are talking about a vehicle that is 13 yrs old......I would catogorize it as "cheap, transportation"......can't say reliable cause it's "broken,"....the broken 4x4 tells the next guy that you didn't "care" for it. May not be true......but, the next guy is buying from you......not an anounymous Used Car Lot.


My theory is that vehicles go through an economic life.....when new, some rich person buys it and uses it......after a few years, the rich guy get tired of it and trades it in for another new vehicle.

The car hits the Used Car's sold to a guy looking for a depriciated, low mileage, good looking vehicle that might be a second car or a daily driver......that guy knows that he'll USE the vehicle until it is no longer appealing, either the repairs get large or the mileage gets too much.....and he figures he'll sell it before something large, he'll try to sell it as, "reliable, transportation."

Now, to the next guy.....he wants to spend very little, yet get a fully functioning vehicle......he really doesn't want another problem or someone elses problem.......thus, "a good deal at an excellent price," is really what motivates him.


So, fix what is wrong......or go for a lower price. Also, prices are if 4x4s are big in your may be worth it to fix it. Or use it as a trade know how much the car lot will give you for it..............and there is NO emotion.

Aloha, Mark

OR you are waiting for someone like me who knows I can fix the 4x4 for $15 or whatever and snatch it up. Problem is I wont pay that much for a 92 just because I would be looking for a wicked deal on a beater I can overhaul, then you are looking for a buyer who will = wants 4x4 working. You call Ford and ask them how much to fix shift motor, can be $300-500 = dealbreaker.

Fix that sucker!

That is the problem. The shift motor part of your ad.

People see that and they'll automatically think it could be something much more expensive. Especially for those who don't know very much outside of your basic components - they wouldn't even give it a second look.

Keep in mind too that people are squeemish because of gas prices, unless they're die-hard Explorer fans like us it won't matter. :D

I agree, that price is too high for a 92 Explorer with the 4x4 non-operational. Working 4x4 adds TREMENDOUSLY to the value of these trucks in the minds of most buyers. And lbrowne is right--people who don't know that it is a cheap fix, will read your ad and think it needs hundreds of $$$ to get it going again.

Also it is white. Around here 7 out of 10 used cars for sale are white. At first it seems like no big deal but when you are in the market to buy a used car and all of em are freakin' white it gets annoying.

It seems white was a very popular color in the last 10 or 15 years and now people are sick of it.

I would expect to pay about $1600 for that vehicle and I live in Los Angeles County.

Good luck though!


Doesn't the fact that you can put it right on the road mean anything to buyers? I've bought used before when I was younger. I wouldn't touch a vehicle if it's sold "as is". You looking at brakes, maybe full exhaust, tires probablly, other little things to worry about. If someone is selling as is, then that means you prolly need to dump a lot of money into it to get it licensed. I'm trying to bet on the fact that someone just wants to buy something and license it with out having to put $$ into it to get it on the road. Do they not make Explorers in 4x2? Or they only make 4x4's? What's a 4x2 go for?? Keep in mind that the $ exchange is a bit skewed right now as the Cdn $ is pretty high against the US. So you US guys think it's a lot of money when you convert the Cdn. to US, but in fact, under $3,000 for a safety'd vehicle in canada with only 234K isn't bad. Check out www. for some examples of cars & trucks being sold in Canada and the prices (click on Ontario). I bought my X for $500 and put about $1500 into it to fix evertying and get it on the road (except the 4x4). So now it's time to sell, get my $$ back and let the next guy fix the 4x4 and make a buck on it.

You asked a question on this board why no one will buy your Explorer, and every single knowledgable person that offered advice told you in no uncertain terms that you need to either (1) drop your price or (2) fix your 4x4 problem, and now you post again arguing the point and ignoring the advice of those who know exactly why you're not selling your Explorer.

The bottom line is that the market dictates what an item is worth and if it does not sell for a certain price then it is not worth that price.

Good luck and best of wishes on your sell. I'll meekly offer my humble uninformed advice that you should FIX THE 4X4!!! to sell the vehicle (that you have proved that you don't know about because you don't think it can go offroad in Canadian roads in bad weather while your potential customers may know that it's a great stock offroad snow vehicle).... if it has a functioning four wheel drive.

i GOT MY 93 FOR $700 ON THE road AND licensed abd my 4x4 work's good
and i live in barrie ont

for $700??? Well I wish I knew someone to safety mine for me and possibly turn the other cheek. Either you got a buddy to safety or someone just didn't know how much to ask for it and you took them for all their worth.
As for the 4x4 in canadian winters...well, it's not all ice and snow up here boys - I had no problems in the snow with just 2 wheels. Unless you go really up north, there's no more then a few inches of snow on the ground at a time. This winter was 1/2 rain. I also have a 4x2 Dakota and never been stuck in snow. I did find it annoying though that the X didn't have a posi rear-end.
Perhaps I spend $200 to fix the shift motor and it will sell? Do I add $200 to the asking price? What if it's the 4x4 control module computer (ie. around $750-$1000) to replace in the shop? Should I fix then add to the price?

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