Carlisle All Ford show, June 5-7, 2009 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Carlisle All Ford show, June 5-7, 2009

I'll see if I can borrow a canopy thingie from a friend, and I'll bring a spare folding chair. And soda and stuff too, right Adam..?

Sounds good to me, we got the grill and hamburgers, hotdogs and buns. So it should be a good time. We should have enough canopies this year. Unlike last year with everyone huddled under one to get away from the sun.

More food the better, beer is allowed people, I know I will have a few with me.

If you guys can pre-register, please do so now. The more we have pre-register bumps us up in field position. Last years position sucked, we couldn't go any farther back or we would be on the turnpike, lol.

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Y'all can yell at Monmix for preferring to do Honda maintenance over the biggest car show of the year :( You sure you can't make it for even a little while, Kev??
Honda maintainace is "done"
Problem is I got my weekends confused. We will already be on our way to Columbus by then.

It seems I am destin to be an every other year AFN guy.

Sorry every body.

*scribbles "Bumper" on her forehead with sharpie* It's cool, I got it :D LOL

Adam, I didn't know that about the pre-registration! No wonder we're always way out in left field, most of us register there :eek: I think it might be too late to do it online now, though.

Kev, I'ma miss you :(

Kev, you will be missed!

Can always go to All Truck Nationals. Some awesome 4x4s there and streeters also.

I will not be able to go up fri afternoon but will be there for sat.

Glad I got to see you a few weeks ago then, Kevin! Have a good time without us.

Let the Count Down Begin

4......Days Left!!!

Spas and Ben, you will have to shoot me a PM with your cell numbers in it, I changed phones when I graduate college. I wouldn't mind stopping over at the hotel and having a few beers in parking lot like last year.

Pm sent, Adam :) Actually, I need to send one to the newbs, too. And you most definitely need to hang in the parking lot for a bit!

So, true to form for me, I decided to take on a major project with Morgan at the last minute :rolleyes: I swear I don't know why I do this every damn year, LOL. At least I started it 5 days before Carlisle though, instead of the day before... that counts for something, right?? Suffice to say the old boy will look... well, considerably different the next time you guys see him. And don't fret, I'll still make it on time. Mostly.


Pm sent, Adam :) Actually, I need to send one to the newbs, too. And you most definitely need to hang in the parking lot for a bit!

So, true to form for me, I decided to take on a major project with Morgan at the last minute :rolleyes: I swear I don't know why I do this every damn year, LOL. At least I started it 5 days before Carlisle though, instead of the day before... that counts for something, right?? Suffice to say the old boy will look... well, considerably different the next time you guys see him. And don't fret, I'll still make it on time. Mostly.


Stripes like Jack's?

I know what she's doing :D Air bags could help.. or even that 4.5 foot inflatable charlie the tuna..

I swear ta... if you actually bought that damn thing I'm going to stab it AND you this time, Ben!

Jake, you're kinda right :D

I swear ta... if you actually bought that damn thing I'm going to stab it AND you this time, Ben!

Jake, you're kinda right :D

You think I'd buy that thing just to mess with you? :D

if it were true lindsey fashion youd be startin it about 2 hours before your suposed to show up.... :p:

oh, and BUMPER

You think I'd buy that thing just to mess with you? :D


Jay, I seriously have almost a dozen stickies all over the house with "BUMPER" written on them :D

My new boss was kind enough to grant me Friday off, so if I can get Morgan all done by Thursday night/Fri morning, I'm hoping to get to Carlisle around 1-2pm. We'll see... I still have to get his Swampers on, fix whatever's making the crunchy noises out back, add special sauce, do tie rods and drill holes/put studs back on my tire carrier. Oy vey :p:


Jay, I seriously have almost a dozen stickies all over the house with "BUMPER" written on them :D

My new boss was kind enough to grant me Friday off, so if I can get Morgan all done by Thursday night/Fri morning, I'm hoping to get to Carlisle around 1-2pm. We'll see... I still have to get his Swampers on, fix whatever's making the crunchy noises out back, add special sauce, do tie rods and drill holes/put studs back on my tire carrier. Oy vey :p:

You should know I didn't order it.. Couldn't get it in time so there's no point.. Besides that I wanna survive Carlisle without any stab wounds.

ill probably be out sometime friday, i have tomorow night off and Friday all day off, but im sick as a dog so i dont think ill be making as early of an appearance as originally planed.

Lindsy bumper for Jay

jay must have the swine flu.

Wow this thing is 2 days away!

As for me, I'll show up Saturday mid-morning (around 10am). My excuse for not showing up on Friday is umm.. umm.. I'm sick as a dog.. Oh wait, crap, damn you Jay! But no seriously, homework on Friday night - what could be better?

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mmm.... bacon...

thank god im a loser and havent had to do home work in like 6 years...

lindsey... bumper

blee... sexy Russian...

i think all i have to do is remember to bring me and pants so i dont blind the masses, so ill wok on that.....
