2012 Carlisle All Ford Nats June 1-3 | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2012 Carlisle All Ford Nats June 1-3

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SuRrEaLNJ said:
you sound surprised

Ill be there come hell, high water, it transmission issues. :-P

Sent from my ADR6400L using Forum Runner

Keep your chins up, people. I was completely banking on selling Gator to finance morgan's desperately needed steering components and the trip, but Gator had other ideas. Chris's Mits just threw the timing belt while he was doing a pull up the mountain, trying to scare Tim....... It's just the Carlisle curse in effect. Don't give up, guys. If you keep working, even though it seems hopeless, you'll be surprised. Parli, tell him to put the thing together and bring it here, we'll have it done in an hour!!

Don't worry Tim, we will be there!

Also, just so everyone knows, were not bringing the grill this year, so no hot dogs or hamburgers, have to fend for yourselves. A few unexpected things came up at work and we had to tighten the rains a little in the last month so, sorry guys.

We will have the tent as always for everyone to take a break from the hoping non-stop sun shine, crossing fingers!

Fixed my hubs today. Had to jack it up and mess with the drive/half shafts. Carlisle curse!

Sent from my ADR6400L using Forum Runner

Jay, you have a good point.

Lindsy, you had to say the the phrase didn't you!!!!! That **** followed me for a year!!!!

Keep your chins up, people. I was completely banking on selling Gator to finance morgan's desperately needed steering components and the trip, but Gator had other ideas. Chris's Mits just threw the timing belt while he was doing a pull up the mountain, trying to scare Tim....... It's just the Carlisle curse in effect. Don't give up, guys. If you keep working, even though it seems hopeless, you'll be surprised. Parli, tell him to put the thing together and bring it here, we'll have it done in an hour!!

Shoulda done the pull in a Mach :)

Just don't take a flash shot of the dash at night on a winding mountain road......:eek:

Don't worry Tim, we will be there!

Also, just so everyone knows, were not bringing the grill this year, so no hot dogs or hamburgers, have to fend for yourselves. A few unexpected things came up at work and we had to tighten the rains a little in the last month so, sorry guys.

We will have the tent as always for everyone to take a break from the hoping non-stop sun shine, crossing fingers!

no worries man, these things happen.

Hey guys, thinking about coming up for this, is there a way i can park with you guys up there? Planning on coming down friday for the weekend

Oh a little meatball :D

This can pass for an explorer, Right?

You've brought a Dodge Ram to AFN, I don't see why you not

We if I make it there it's Only going
Plus i will be on the hunt for a 8.8 open carrier 31 spline
Since the ####### sold me a 27 spline
Plus if need have open room in the hotel for the less fortunate otherwise known as spas

We if I make it there it's Only going
Plus i will be on the hunt for a 8.8 open carrier 31 spline

I might have one laying around. I will check tomorrow for you.

Checked today and I have one. 8.8 open carrier out of an explorer axle. Let me know if you want me to bring it saturday to the ford show.

change of plans

i will be at the show on friday and saturday morning, im coming back to jersey for game 2 of the stanley cup finals

as of this time i have intention to come back out on sunday for wheeling

A few of us will be in the Shelby area with the Shelby girls.. I might as well announce it now.. SVO is coming to AFN..

A few of us will be in the Shelby area with the Shelby girls.. I might as well announce it now.. SVO is coming to AFN..


SurrealNj said:
change of plans

i will be at the show on friday and saturday morning, im coming back to jersey for game 2 of the stanley cup finals

as of this time i have intention to come back out on sunday for wheeling

Gonna be one hell of a weekend for you, lol.. Share some of that luck, buddy!!

Truck is alive but have no idea what gears are in the rear I know limited slip is back in
But diff cover is the original gig to pay the mechanic tomorrow do so very need clean out in the truck and oil change and filter cleaning
But she Alive
I really wish everything was finished
Also got to go get the misc. parts and shuck from the mechanic

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Gonna be one hell of a weekend for you, lol.. Share some of that luck, buddy!!

did i mention im leaving for mexico on wednesday too....
