2012 Carlisle All Ford Nats June 1-3 | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2012 Carlisle All Ford Nats June 1-3

just a teaser

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I didn't even see those Shelby girls!


  • ForumRunner_20120603_073209.jpg
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How can you delete attachments from forum runner?

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You'll have to login under a pc or it may not be deletable.. dunno

Gary Patterson the VP of Shelby/test driver, identifying the two curves :D

Blee1099 said:
You'll have to login under a pc or it may not be deletable.. dunno

I did it! I posted multiple copies of the same picture. Lol.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Forum Runner

It was good seeing EF out again, although I don't know if it was me, but your group seemed almost half the size of last years group. Also, carlisle really screwed you guys with the location, you were like in the middle of lightnings and expeditions..

Anyways I got some pics of you guys there. Jay I saw you walking around in your devils shirt a couple times, and I got a couple shots of you leaving. Vroomzoomboom, it was good meeting you :thumbsup: Explorersport77, I'm horribly offended that you didn't remember me from last year :( Just kidding, if I see you again next year, I'll remind you by saying I'm the person you forgot about last year :D
















I believe I have a few other pics on my small camera, I'll dig them out and upload them later.

Wow, way to damn excited to get this train moving! Actually have both rigs cleaned up but only bringing the Edge this year again.

I saw your edge sport there, you actually passed me while we were sitting in traffic leaving the fairgrounds, I also saw it today parked down in the field :thumbsup:

great to meet you as well.

cant take credit for this pic, or sign if you like. jay made it, and had it on munk. when he left, i took it over

BTW, congates jay! if no one has heard by now, munk took 3rd! :thumbsup:

vroomzoomboom said:
great to meet you as well.

cant take credit for this pic, or sign if you like. jay made it, and had it on munk. when he left, i took it over

BTW, congates jay! if no one has heard by now, munk took 3rd! :thumbsup:

It worked! How many votes did munk get?

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great to meet you as well.

cant take credit for this pic, or sign if you like. jay made it, and had it on munk. when he left, i took it over

BTW, congates jay! if no one has heard by now, munk took 3rd! :thumbsup:

I waltzed up there right as he was leaving so I guess I missed that part. I did catch you and Explorersport77 leaving, I just have to dig through pictures to find it later...

I also noticed Jay went on my FB album and tagged everyone in my pics. So I sign on today and I see people I've never even heard of liking my photos :confused:

I waltzed up there right as he was leaving so I guess I missed that part. I did catch you and Explorersport77 leaving, I just have to dig through pictures to find it later...

I also noticed Jay went on my FB album and tagged everyone in my pics. So I sign on today and I see people I've never even heard of liking my photos :confused:

heh, maby i should have let ya know before i did that

It worked! How many votes did munk get?

Sent from my ADR6400L using Forum Runner

i have an inquary in on that, if theyre allowed to tell me theyre suposed to call me back

great to meet you as well.

cant take credit for this pic, or sign if you like. jay made it, and had it on munk. when he left, i took it over

BTW, congates jay! if no one has heard by now, munk took 3rd! :thumbsup:

You actually had it up longer then i did

For those of you who didn't make it out, you missed a fun weekend! It was great seeing old faces and new alike! It's funny how time changes priorities but I had I a great time taking the Jeep out on the trails on Sunday. When's the next run? :D

Omg, why do I never take my own advice?! I'm sure Bats and Bobby know what I'm talking about.. it involves skin sizzling, lol.

Another Carlisle come and gone: That's 10 years of the AFN's now! Fug, I'm really glad you and Meatball could make it out, it's been FAR too long since we all hung out :D Tim and Tara, thank you for all the support this last week (it would have been nigh unbearable without you two), Parli, Adam, Don, Bats, Lt. Dan: you guys are the best, thanks for all the laughs! Jay, congrats on 3rd place, if any truck deserves it the most it has to be Munk, the survivor (lol). Watt, I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you- I got pulled in a bunch of different directions all day :x Maybe once you get your bugs worked out you can come wheeling with us without fear of more breakage. And I know SVO hardly ever signs on anymore, but it was great to see you again!

Again, I'm really sorry the trails we took on Sunday weren't better thought out... normally we don't have wrong turns and angry homeowners giving us grief. Guess I need to get back out on the trails more often and see what goes where, eh? Next time it'll be better planned, I promise. Hope everybody had a good time at least!

Looks like it was a great time! Good weather and good fords!

Sorry i never followed up earlier in the thread saying i wasn't going to make it. Just now got the ex reinspected, it had been expired for months. Just started a new job as well.

Maybe, just maybe I can make it out next year.

just a teaser

You all really......... REALLY need to ask Ben how he got these pictures of the Shelby Girls.




Jeff -:navajo:

Yea Jeff you got that pic..

Any more pics??

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