Cat back replacement procedure. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cat back replacement procedure.


October 19, 2018
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I searched using , Exhaust, and had 29 pages. Read thru them but didn't find my answer.
This inquiry is aimed at the tail pipe(s) behind the muffler.

I'm chasing a stinky exhaust when standing outside by the driver side rear door. I replaced the Cat/muffler gasket since it was bad. Still smells. Put some goop on the muffler seam and also found a small hole in the end piece that I plugged up.

Next, is the two tail pipe pieces.
Dunno why they have to join at the center above the axle. Sheesh.

Anyway, If a person wanted to replace these with aftermarket two sections of pipe, How or where do I gain access to that confined area to install a new clamp? I do see evidence of carbon at that splice point. Don't know if that is the issue we're having but,

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A leaking exhaust won’t typically smell worse than a non leaking one, as long as it’s leaking past the cats. It may make it more susceptible to getting drawn into the car when driving, but being outside should have no effect on the smell.

Mmm, yes and no. I will be changing the muffler and tail pipe(s) soon.

Yes, and no, to what? How does a muffler change the smell of the exhaust?

If you are replacing both you could probably clamp it with the muffler down, and the joint more accessible, and then slide the whole assembly back into place.

I just put a aftermarket one on and removed the spare tire and a shield. Was able to get in that way.

Makes sense. Didn't think about dropping the spare to gain access. Top of the u-bend couldn't be a worse place to couple the tail pipes together.
The factory muffler has the short cat/flange pipe and half the tail pipe as on piece. NLA.
I use Walker for part numbers and pic's. They show four separate pieces from the Cat/flange to exhaust tip.
I thought I'd maybe have to mock everything together and add witness marks where the u-bends meet. Then drop things down to get a wrench on the clamp and shove the whole thing back in place.
Poor design but well oh well.
The replacement donut has a common part number of 31372. Works, but is a lil thin compared to the OE.
The shouldered bolt/spring assembly is clamped down tight. It may be still leaking there. So... I ordered a ford donut. Sheesh.

That small hole in the muffler was there to let moisture drip out.

Can you explain the smell? Sulfur?

Funny you mention the weep hole. It did look factory. Thought it was a flaw at first. I can easily unplug it.

As for the smell, it’s just the usual but I’d prefer it flow out the back vs a bad gasket or leaky muffler. It’s annoying to step out of it and smell fumes
