charging outlets in center console | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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charging outlets in center console


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November 22, 2020
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2017 police interceptor e
I m hoping to find some help lol I just purchased a 2017 police interceptor ford explorer from my local sheriff office and luckily they did stick the factory center console in it but did not hook it up so the charging ports don't work is this something I can just plug in or do I need different wiring harness or something thanks

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Thank you
I m hoping to find some help lol I just purchased a 2017 police interceptor ford explorer from my local sheriff office and luckily they did stick the factory center console in it but did not hook it up so the charging ports don't work is this something I can just plug in or do I need different wiring harness or something thanks
Did you check if you can reconnected the charging port? The 12 volt outlet wire should be green with orange line is positive, white with black line is ground/negative.

Just picked up a 2017 also, having the same issue. The USB ports and 12V plugs aren't working. I was going to start digging around behind the council to see if I could find the issue. Anyone have a fix for this yet?

Did you check the fuse for the power points?


Did you check the fuse for the power points?

So my 12V plug does in fact work in the front part of the center council, but the USB ports do not.

Yes I took the center console out and tried but there is no lose wires at all
Did you check if you can reconnected the charging port? The 12 volt outlet wire should be green with orange line is positive, white with black line is ground/negative.

Mine do not work as well on my 2017 that I've had for a week. I also have the nice fog lights in the front and they do not work either. The police light controls do not include a fog light button same as civilian.

Mine do not work as well on my 2017 that I've had for a week. I also have the nice fog lights in the front and they do not work either. The police light controls do not include a fog light button same as civilian.
I'm jealous, I want to put the stock fogs on mine but it looks like a lot of ass pain.

Mine do not work as well on my 2017 that I've had for a week. I also have the nice fog lights in the front and they do not work either. The police light controls do not include a fog light button same as civilian.
I dont know if yours had wires ran for either charger mine did not but we just successfully hooked mine up under the dash there is a block thing with some wires in it and nothing hooked to the block we used the green with yellow stripe and the black and white and the little wires in there are grounds hope this helps and I'm a woman so if I can do it then its pretty easy lol

I m hoping to find some help lol I just purchased a 2017 police interceptor ford explorer from my local sheriff office and luckily they did stick the factory center console in it but did not hook it up so the charging ports don't work is this something I can just plug in or do I need different wiring harness or something thanks

Unless they messed with the factory wiring, you shouldn't need another harness. Have you checked the fuses?

I dont know if yours had wires ran for either charger mine did not but we just successfully hooked mine up under the dash there is a block thing with some wires in it and nothing hooked to the block we used the green with yellow stripe and the black and white and the little wires in there are grounds hope this helps and I'm a woman so if I can do it then its pretty easy lol
When you were in there did you by chance see how the wires for the USB ports are tied in? My 12v charging port works, but neither of my USB ports do.
