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Check Engine Light

Positive Vibes

Elite Explorer
June 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Cruz, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
My check engine light has been coming on for the past week. It shuts off after 15 or so of driving. I have no symptoms, she seems to run fine. Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks.

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sounds like the begining case of failing oxygen sensor....

also, it should come on when you start the truck then go off in a few seconds...

How many O2 sensors does a '94 have? Does anyone know how hard they are to replace and how much they cost or an approx. Thanks guys!

Had the same symptoms on my X. It turned out to be the sensor that is just to the right of the throtle body (can't remember name" About the size of a deck of cards with 2 or 3 vacume hoses and a electrical conection.

Thanks, does anyone know if these are a Ford dealer part or can I pick one up at Kragen. Or can it be cleaned and reused?

need it new.... i think caddybill is talking about the tps but it really sounds like the o2 to me.... i believe we only have 1 o2 sesor but i could be wrong.. a new factory o2 is like $80 from torrie@fpn

Thanks Jim. anyone think of any more info please post it. Jim do you or anyone else know how hard it is to replace? Thanks.

i think caddybill is talking about the tps

The sensor I am thinking of is part of the EGR system.

Originally posted by jimabena74
need it new.... i think caddybill is talking about the tps but it really sounds like the o2 to me.... i believe we only have 1 o2 sesor but i could be wrong.. a new factory o2 is like $80 from torrie@fpn

My 99 has 4 O2 sensors.

P.V. I have just gone through this. You have an advantage having a 94. Go to Walmart and buy the $25 code scanner and follow the instrctions. It will be the best buck you ever spent. Also a Haynes manual. I threw about $500 at mine a couple 'o months ago to get rid of the CEL, O2 sensors, IAC, Plugs,wires..etc. Only to find out that the 95, EVEN THOUGH 'THEY' SAY IT IS OBDII, can use the scanner, I bought it, and found out the CEL was/is due to a faulty DPFE sensor (That's it CADDYBILL).
All that $$ wasn't in vain however, considering 82K, so after I change out the $60 DPFE sensor, I should not have to do anything except change oil for the rest of it's life.

faulty DPFE sensor (That's it CADDYBILL).

is'nt that what I said. :)

Anyone know how hard they are to replace?

Doesn't Ford cover pollution control devices to 100K??

I have 135k on mine.

P.V. Of all the stuff I have done the hardest was the 1)plugs and 2)Fuel Filter (GOTTA HAVE THAT TOOL).
After reading the horror stories about the O2 sensors, I found it very easy and the clips, albeit a one-handed operation, easy to get to underneath (the one on the pass side was accessable thru the wheel well after removeing the flap..same as the plug on that side). The FPR was a snap, as was the IAC, and the DPFE sensor.
Shop-around for these parts, although some will be dealershit only. The Haynes does outline the processes involved fairly clearly.
100K warranty for emmisions? actually never heard that. Knowing Ford, they would say my K&N and Borla caused all those prblems.

Thanks, kps36. Yesterday afternoon and this morning the check engine light didn't come on. I think I'll wait for it to start coming back on before I change the o2 sensor. What does everyone think. Or does this sound like some other problem?

Originally posted by Mark's EB
Doesn't Ford cover pollution control devices to 100K??

The emissions warranty changes from year to year, but generally no. The best source would be the Warranty Information Booklet that came with your Explorer. My '97 has the catalytic converters and the PCM covered for 8 years/80 K miles. Everything else gets the standard 3/36K. California vehicles get a better warranty on their emissions related equipment though due to California's government.

