Check engine light :( | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check engine light :(


Active Member
August 3, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
St. Cloud, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer XLT
Two weeks ago I picked up a 97 awd XLT explorer and its run really well. Now, 228 miles into my first tank of gas the check engine light has come on. :( I wasn't able to have it checked last night and it was still on this morning so its a "hard" fault. Here's to hoping it's not something terribly expensive! More to come after I can get to Autozone or O'Reillys tonight after work.

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Once you'll give the CEL code, I'll be able to give you a hand on the issue

It could be one of many things. Get that code read and go from there.

Once you'll give the CEL code, I'll be able to give you a hand on the issue

The code according to NAPA's reader is:


O2 circuit slow response, bank 2, sensor 1

That is the sensor under the transmission. Check that the wiring isn't rubbing on the front drive shaft. If the wiring is ok, replace the sensor. ( slow response usually means it is dying).

That is the sensor under the transmission. Check that the wiring isn't rubbing on the front drive shaft. If the wiring is ok, replace the sensor. ( slow response usually means it is dying).

Is it under the transmission between the tranny and the floor? Otherwise easy to get to?

Is it under the transmission between the tranny and the floor? Otherwise easy to get to?

In the exhaust pipe running under the transmission. ;)

I've had this code for a while.. Doesn't really effect anything.. My MPG is the same, and it still burns clean.

I replaced mine, paid for themselves in fuel savings.

I will inspect the wiring tomorrow if it's not raining still. NAPA cleared the code and it hasn't come back...yet. At least I know it's nothing "serious" just yet.

Actually Boys, Bank2, Sensor 1, would be on the left (passenger) side of the motor, the sensor before the catalytic converter

Actually Boys, Bank2, Sensor 1, would be on the left (passenger) side of the motor, the sensor before the catalytic converter

Nope.Bank 2 is driver side (left)
Bank 1 is passenger side ( right)

You drive from the left hand side of the truck.

So is it the one directly under the transmission, I found that one easily, haven't looked for any others. Where would the other be?

Bank 2 - driver's side of engine; Sensor 1 - in exhaust pipe in front of catalytic converter. What engine do you have?? In my 5.0 all of the O2 sensor electrical plugs are on top of the transmission; don't know about the V6s. Good luck.

Bank 2 - driver's side of engine; Sensor 1 - in exhaust pipe in front of catalytic converter. What engine do you have?? In my 5.0 all of the O2 sensor electrical plugs are on top of the transmission; don't know about the V6s. Good luck.

Mine is a 5.0.

One sensor is right in the exhaust under the transmission. The connector for it not far away and easy to get to. I haven't yet looked for the other one.

Nope.Bank 2 is driver side (left)
Bank 1 is passenger side ( right)

You drive from the left hand side of the truck.

Haha, thx for correcting my ass on this one...My mind had gone berzerk on me :p
