Check engine light??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check engine light???


Well-Known Member
January 7, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 XLT
Just the other day i went to step on the gas to get up to speed when the rpm reached a highspeed along with the speedometer The check engine light started flashing??? Also its never done this before its always started fine The other day i went to start it and on the first try it wouldnt crank over so i stopped and turned the key again and it started fine??? Also when im done driving it i notice a burning smell coming from it sometimes what could this be???

Its a 2001 explorer XLT 4.0SOHC


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sounds like multiple problems, the burning smell could be a leaky valve cover gasket among other things. You need to read the could and let us know why the computer was flashing the CEL. The starting issue sounds like it was a prime problem, since when you cycled the key the second time it re-primed the fuel pump and started up.

when was your last tune, and did you change the fuel filter?
get your codes read at a local parts place for free (like autozone or such)
then come back and post the results in this thread.

pop the hood and look for oil on any of the exaust manifolds if everything is dry you need to use your nose and detective senses to search for the source of the smell.

hmmm, egr?
My bet is p0401 code.

Naw-To discuss a problem among the one hundred or so possible codes without knowing the code would be presumptuous.

Go have the code read-but do not let them sell you a thing, ESPECIALLY if it is an 02 sensor code. Just come back here with the code and you'll get great help.

Naw-To discuss a problem among the one hundred or so possible codes without knowing the code would be presumptuous.

Awh, your right JT

I've been <smack> bad <smack>.... :D

I won't do it again :notworthy

So i dont think the check engine light is a problem it only did it once and the engine runs just fine. The burning is i believe because when we bought it they polished the engine with some kind of weird really shinny oily stuff.

I have a questio my explorer with the 4.0SOHC is a 2001it seems when it hits 70 mph when its to the floor it start to not gain speed as fast will the explorer hit 100mph???? I cant remember if i asked this already but ireally dont have enough room here in the city to open er up.

when a mil flashes it means that there is a problem in the catlyic converter, probabally burning up, which would also explain the smell

A flashing mil can mean so much more than just a CAT problem, the only way to tell is to read the codes in a KOER test.

So i figured out the light sorta i got it to do it again. When i floor it and it gets about 4th gear 5000 rpm or so it wont shift sometimes and then the check engine light will flash twice any ideas?

Gee, it sounds like you need the codes read.

got the codes read here is what they are code p0301 and code p0174

I also here a whistle hiss when im driving when it gets ubove about 20mph it has started rough a few times so are these codes related to that???

P0301 is Cylinder one misfire
p0174 system lean on bank 1

these codes could be caused by two different things however I'm thinking you have a fuel delivery problem on cylinder 1 which is causing both a misfire and a lean condition.

The other options are, bad plug, wire, or vacuum leak.

Ok well im taking it in to get the fuel system checked getting new plugs and wires. And getting it checked for vacuum leak any suggestions for good plugs and wires???? Its cold here so anything thats good for cold weather.

stick with the OEM plugs either motorcraft or autolite (they make motorcraft) . For wires don't go with cheap wires.

i had similar situation, had misfires and chugging during hard acceleration...the CEL light would go crazy....was a clogged fuel filter..
