Check out my new bender | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check out my new bender


Well-Known Member
August 14, 2004
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City, State
Prescott, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
I have to display this because it is such a nice piece of equipment. I will be using this to make many bumpers, nerf bars and roll cages. I made the stand this weekend and bent up some 2 inch chomoly for a roll cage.

It is air over hydraulic and I have 2 inch, 1.5 inch and 1 inch dies. If anyone needs something made in NAZ let me know.


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Thats the cats a$$ right there. Where did you get that at, as I am currently looking for one.

sweet!...What can you make :)

I got it from JD2 (JD squared), the website is I got the model 4 with the air/hydraulic option. It will bend up to 2.5'' tube to 180 degrees.

I can make anything, I and my freind have a welder, bandsaw, bender, grinder, notcher, etc.

Drool, That's all that and a bag of chips. Is that your shop? Just from the what I see and the way the floor shines like new money it looks big and clean. Have you made anything yet? If you don't mind I would like to hear the pros and cons of this model. From the looks of it, it may be all pros.

What did it set you back??

Another question. I notice it on wheels. A hand operated has to be solid. A assume that equal pressure is on the hydraulic ram and that it does not move?

rookieshooter said:
Another question. I notice it on wheels. A hand operated has to be solid. A assume that equal pressure is on the hydraulic ram and that it does not move?

Right, the hydro benders do not move (on their own :D). It is nice to have a hydro bender because you can easily move it around the shop and in the driveway. Also your arms will thank you at the end of the day :thumbsup:

I have a hydro Pro-Tools 105HD bender and love it.
