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coil spacer question

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Some members have them, but $130 for urethane spacers is a little much.

You can get steel F150 coil spacers from a Ford dealer, or custom aluminum spacers for less than that.

do the f150 spacers add the same amount of height and is the install easy?

For that much $$, you can get new 2" lift coils

The F150 spacers add the same 1.5-2" of lift.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the lift coils. New 2" lift springs from Skyjacker are a good choice too, if you wanted to spend that much. Spacers are a budget option.

Front spacer lift + rear shackle lift = good budget lift option

It helps if your ride has the 3.73 gears and you're going to 30 x 9.5 or 31 x 10.50 tires.
A 2" lift looks a bit silly with stock size tires, but you can kind of get away with 235/75R15's.

yea i have the 3.73 and am planning on 33 10.50 by the end of summer. currently i have 30 9.50 tires.

also, isnt it difficult to do an alightment if you install the 2 inch springs? and what other items are needed for that set up.

You're going to need more than 2" of lift to run 33's. Even skinny ones. You'll need to add a 2" body lift too.

2" is about the maximum you can go without drop brackets for the beam pivots and radius arm brackets.

Check your shock travel, you might be limiting your droop with stock length shocks.

Have you run any trails yet?

yea im planning on doin a bodylift aswell. yea i went yesterday, but didnt do any trails. only old service roads, and some mud. i REALLY need new tires, mine are slicks in the mud.. well they are ats soo.. haha

If you're going to 33's, you might be better off swinging for a 5.5" suspension lift.

You CAN make 33 x 10.50's work with the 2" suspension lift and a body lift, IF you hack up the front fenders for clearance. They might still rub at full lock, but it's an ok setup for cheap.

A 5.5" (or even a 4") lift is hard to beat for the improvement you get in suspension travel too. A 2" lift doesn't add much, and if anything, takes most if not all of the suspension droop away, since you're using the built-in suspension travel to lift it.

You'll want an alignment after a lift, either a DIY or take it to a shop.

I'm running 33x12.5s on a 2" lift and trimmed fenders. no rubbing but my rear tires stuff pretty quickly offroad.
