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Cold Air Intake.

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hi arco777 i have a 94 EX i want to install a intake for a while but haven't found the right parts to do it can u provide a list of pats dat u used

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high flow filter $24.99
MAF adaptor $14.99
90 degree elbow $7.99
6" straight $7.99
45 degree elbow $7.99
22.5 degree elbow $7.99 (1or2 can be used depending on how you want filter to sit)
2.5"/3" coupler $7.99

All spectre brand, the MAF adaptor is the same diameter as the 5.0MAF and comes with several different mounting plates. This is the system i just installed and it works GREAT!!! costs about 110 bucks with tax. dont forget to either buy a filter mount to keep it from bouncing around or buy a small piece of aluminum and fabricate your own like i did - all in all secure the filter - u dont need it bouncing against stuff.

You will also need a breather filter which spectre also puts out and its $10.99

thanks 95viper08 great info will start dis weekend thanks!!!!

no prob, i picked up between 10 and 15hp on mine but ive also got a tuned pipe exhaust too

i got a 3'' sewer fitting for an rv at any local rv parts place.. and bought a cone filter and made one.. total cost 40$


i got a 3'' sewer fitting for an rv at any local rv parts place.. and bought a cone filter and made one.. total cost 40$


looking at your pic youre on the stock intake tube? i ran like that for awhile but you pick up more with true tubing.
you can cheaply do it with PVC piping to for the same price but unlike intake tubing the inside is not smooth therefore creating turbulent air, a non smooth idle and ifie performance. ive tried a couple ways and seen and driven several ways. true tubing is worth it and you really cant beat it for 100 bucks. just think, most of have AT LEAST double to triple into our exhaust

looking at your pic youre on the stock intake tube? i ran like that for awhile but you pick up more with true tubing.
you can cheaply do it with PVC piping to for the same price but unlike intake tubing the inside is not smooth therefore creating turbulent air, a non smooth idle and ifie performance. ive tried a couple ways and seen and driven several ways. true tubing is worth it and you really cant beat it for 100 bucks. just think, most of have AT LEAST double to triple into our exhaust

also that is a stock maf even if it has a filter and a maf adapter,that is where the resection is at.get a 70mm mustang maf

EDIT:::::this mod should not be done,unless you tune for it

You will also need a breather filter which spectre also puts out and its $10.99

viper, where exactly does the breather filter go? George Luna at Spectre helped me put together the parts needed for an intake on my Pathfinder. Came out very nicely. Looking to put together one for the Ex this spring. Issue is fitment with the bodylift.

i went to autozone ( cheapest place) and bought everything including the tube for mine.

Alright McMullen, pls post pics when you are done and part no's. The Spectre tubes were really easy to put together/making different bends etc.

i cant remember the part numbers but If you follow my cardomain link in my signature. on page two i have pics of the motor with the air intake system i made up on it.

one other question for everyone, ive HEARD that the ford 4.6L throttle bode off the F-150s and stuff are a DIRECT fit for the 4.0L explorer engines, can anyone confirm that?

Dude, what year are you talking about? And so far the smallest size engine I see for the F-150 is a 4.9L

Dude, what year are you talking about? And so far the smallest size engine I see for the F-150 is a 4.9L

DUDE get a clue. 1998 F-150 had A 4.6 LITRE ENGINE and my question is plain as day

The 4.6 tb will not fit on the 4.0 ohv

The 4.6 tb will not fit on the 4.0 ohv

JD4242 i know that, i bought a bbk one for it with the spacer, the truck is sick as hell now

DUDE get a clue. 1998 F-150 had A 4.6 LITRE ENGINE and my question is plain as day

What's with the attitude? You say your question is plain as day, but so is mine if you bothered to read it properly. I asked what year you were refering to as there are many F-150s. And I'm sorry I don't keep a catalogue of every last spec on every truck of every year. I went pawing through Autozone's website at F-150s from 91 to 94 figuring it'd be in the same years as the explorer in question.

So now it's established that the part does not fit. Great, but the reason I am taking the time to write all this is because you were rude as **** for no reason. Furthermore, being a new member I have no way of knowing if you ever found the answer to your question and I thought it was a good one. I just wanted more information so that maybe I could do the research and see what I come up with.

No need to be an ass.


You don't need to modify the hood. I built my intake entirely with parts from Autozone in their parking lot, using the Spectre brand equipment. Cost about $100 to get a complete unique setup. Of course I don't know that you'd call it a cold air intake, as it sucks air at the same location... but it is a high flow setup and resulted in noticeable power gains. I attached a picture.

A cheaper option is to just buy the cone filter and MAF adapter, and attach them replacing your stock airbox and re-using the old intake tube. The stock intake tubing isn't really all that restrictive unless your motor is highly modified but I like the looks of my new chrome tubing.

What size is your intake tube?

Shanta - don't reuse the stock the intake tube - yes it WILL work but in all honesty if u wanna see a change put in an aftermarket intake tube most all of us use a 70mm (3in) intake tube - I believe jd4242 is the only one running 75mm but he's also got the most built explorer engine I've seen. Do a 3" tube with a spectre or k&n cone filter and it'd will work perfect - spectre even makes an adaptor for your maf to make things really easy

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Shanta - don't reuse the stock the intake tube - yes it WILL work but in all honesty if u wanna see a change put in an aftermarket intake tube most all of us use a 70mm (3in) intake tube - I believe jd4242 is the only one running 75mm but he's also got the most built explorer engine I've seen. Do a 3" tube with a spectre or k&n cone filter and it'd will work perfect - spectre even makes an adaptor for your maf to make things really easy

Honestly you wouldn't need over a 2.5" but most run 3".the largest tb they make is 65mm so any larger pipe is worthless.personally any mod besides a new filter for the stock setup is worthless unless you have engine mods like cam and p+p work.

i run 3.5" pipe with a p+p 75mm race throttle body;)

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