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Colorado Run 2005 sign-up thread

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I live in Littleton, CO and my folks have a house in Leadville. This was going to work out perfectly, except that I have Navy Reserves that weekend. ARGH!!

Oh, well. Hope everyone else has fun.


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I will be able to make the saturday sunday runs. Don't really know if I'll take the easy or hard. I don't have a spotter that can go with me, and I absolutely can't break anything. Are we all leaving from the same place depending on which group?

I'm going to try to make it, but I have inventory at my Sam,s the 17th and 18th. Hopefully I can take my vacation after that and come copilot for some body :D since my new truck is not trail worthy yet. After the run is over on sunday I'll head over :burnout: Indepenance pass from Leadville about sixty miles to vacation in Aspen :p for the week. Any body want to come play in paradise a couple of days? :cool: I will make a great tour guide and there is some nice wheelin over there too.

What time does everyone want to meet at the Holy Cross Trailhead on Saturday? We should probably get an early start :D

6:00 am?
7:00 am?
8:00 am?

What'll work best for you? :cool:

Coming along!

Hey all!
Got the invite from Rino and Warlord to join yall for this run.

Couple items:
1. I'll be with my IFS ranger, and I'd be up for running the lighter trails or riding shotgun/spotter for someone. Rino, Ahhjaws? Somebody's got to have a spot.

2. I was thinking about camping out near the trailhead for this run. I think I saw a few others are doing the same. Is there a campground or other area nearby where we could cluster?

3. Friday daytime is questionable for me, but i should be up there in the evening, late (camping or something) at the least. Saturday and Sunday are all good though. Anybody in the same boat?

Let me know what's up.


time doesn't really matter to me. I think 6 is probably a little early for some of the folks that are coming. I'm fine with it, but I'm a morning person.
--techie-- that sucks, hope you get out sometime
oh, and clawz- I don't think I'll have passenger space, unless you want to ride in the cargo area. :p

I wonder if the motels will be booked solid in Leadville. I always go up there in the winter, but never summer. The Columbine Inn always has vacancies in the winter.


Your nuts!!! Still trying to figure out if I will make this but I WILL not wake up to go wheeling at 6AM! How long you guys plan on wheeling? 8hrs of hard wheeling is a long day.

Okay, Okay, ;) maybe 6:00 am is too early :)

Positive Vibes said:
8hrs of hard wheeling is a long day.

This is why we should get an early start though :thumbsup: How bout 7:00 at the trailhead?

I'm with Ryan, I'm a morning person too :D

Warrlord said:
Okay, Okay, ;) maybe 6:00 am is too early :)

This is why we should get an early start though :thumbsup: How bout 7:00 at the trailhead?

I'm with Ryan, I'm a morning person too :D

Dam morning people! ;)

So lets say we are at the trail head by 7am. How long before were back at base camp (if there is no major breakage)?

Positive Vibes said:
Dam morning people! ;)

So lets say we are at the trail head by 7am. How long before were back at base camp (if there is no major breakage)?

Around 4-5 pm.......approx :) That time includes the lunch break, sight seeing at the top, etc.

Derrick are you going to Colorado? :thumbsup: You think you will have an empty seat for Holy Cross? :D I find out if my vacation has been approved when I get back to work Thursday. I've got my fingers crossed.

Im out guys, to much stuff going on right now. Working 10 hour days to buy tools for school! Not fun....

Any idea where I can find an RV park close to (edit) Holy Cross??

Well I made my reservation at the Super8 in Leadville today. I will be ariving around 4-5 Friday afternoon.

One night I am planning to drive to Breckenridge to eat at Bubba Gumps, I love that place.

The easy group will probably start out at 9AM, that means meeting at about 8:30. I think there is a Safeway grocery store in Leadville, that may make a good place to meet in the morning if we are all staying near there.

Alright, I got a friend to come with me, but still have room for many more if need be DrKlawz. I'll be arriving late on Friday night, Don't have enough money to go to a hotel, so is there sort of a campground around, or a place where no one cares if I just sleep in the truck? I'll being going with the tough group, so was there an actual meeting place yet?

And I should be ok on Holy Cross with no winch or rear locker (I might be able to get it working by then but not too sure)?

That sucks Joey.
Well, I suppose if there is a Safeway, we can meet there.
Rick- when I was looking around for that type of stuff, I had found one, but now the name escapes me, I'll try to find it again.
jaws- I don't know, I've never run HC before, Larry might chime in about that.

Rick, just found it, Sugar Loafin' RV Park I may be camping there b/c I don't know where there is close National Forest camping

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Looks like that would be a good place to camp. Then again I may go the hotel in town route too.

Rick check out and they are all linked together and have everything you could ever want to know about the Leadville area. ;)

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