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Elite Explorer
October 8, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Trinidad, Crawlorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
not so much a run but we made it an event last year (kinda). The 2002 Truckfest at Bandimere is July 28th, I thought we should shoot for what we shot for last year, BIG turnout of Explorers!!! maybe a straight axle B4000 if he is still alive!!!! and a couple 4.0'ed BII if they wanna show!!!!! any way it is my birthday then so I am telling Shandell thats what I want is to go, so shine up, and lets make it a good showing!!!!!

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Since it is looking like four wheeling is out for me this summer I'll check with the gang and see what they want to do.

Does that mean I have to go find another stump (log) to park on?????

If the tempitures don't go down I don't think I want to be out on that asphalt all day..........

Yeah true about the heat but it is lots of fun and who knows maybe just maybe and award! I think you should tow the X with the Aero and park the together!!!!!

And yes we need some big stumps I will try to find a BIG one for me too!

Here is a picture of the group that went last year
There were other people that showed up without there Explorer's.

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funny you mention it, here I am at Bandimere speedway's all ford day just yesterday! :). I'm up for truckfest though I'll be bringing the f-150 not the explorer.

I'll go :D

Yes there are some people that like our Explorer's!!!


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I'll be in Arizona that weekend, or else I'd make the trip up.

damn perry how come I never saw that pic????
Well it looks like we may have a decent turnout!!!!!!!
I will be there!
