Connector missing -help please ! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Connector missing -help please !


January 28, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Perth, Western Australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
Hi There ! I have just re-built the wiring harness from an Explorer 97 OHV and while re-connecting everything back I have discovered one connector which I cannot remember where it came from . The connector comes straight from the main harness between the engine and the firewall, behind the ignition coil. It is a 3 pin connector: red, blue/pink stripe and black/white stripe. That is the original connector as I haven't touched that one so the chances of me stuffing up anything are really slim. Another clue is that its own wires are pretty short so it must be there some connector which I cannot see. For the life of me I cannot remember where that came from and I looked through all my notes.. still nothing. I think that because of that now I have a "check engine" light on the dashboard. The baby runs well but I have discovered that the ceiling light in the back area doesn't turn off and I was wondering of that has anything to do with that. This connector is rather oval-flat with a black cover and a yellow inner part. .. Any idea anyone ?

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HI turdle... I have just modified my post.. went back to the engine with better light.. it is a 3 pin connector with red, blue with pink stripe and black with white stripe.. It is located right between the intake manifold and the back wall... fairly short wires so it must be something there.. straight of the main harness..Where would the cam position sensor be located if it was that one ? wouldn't be somewhere at the front ?

The v6 ohv cam sensor is at the rear right side of engine. It is tucked in there against the firewall. it is in the block, in the ledge of block behind where lower intake manifold ends-
it is the oil pump drive also-

oh.. ok.. will check .. thanks .. will let you know how I went.. great stuff ;)

Found it.. it wasn't the cam sensor but some other thing with a connector in the same place.. thanks anyway :D
