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Considering a Gen IV Explorer

I have a 2006 with the 4.0. Went through two radiators in the first year. The third radiator again started leaking but i was able to fix it. My radiator guy says it's the #1 problem with 4th gen. He says there's to much flex in the front end which causes cracks and blown tank seals in the radiator.

Few weeks ago in 9c weather about 150km I got 25mpg CDN on my 09 4.6L v8 up from 20 in cold weather. Can't complain about that at all, I've only had the truck a few weeks so can't comment on overall realiablity but my previous truck was an 02 explorer sport 4L v6 SOHC. She served me well but it was time to move on. The new ride is a step forward for sure. The ride is improved, handling, engine power, at the moment fuel mileage seems like it might be better. In the snow the AWD was great gripped in a straight line even when I stepped on the gas on purpose just to see what it would do. So far very happy with it so I would say YES go for it you will likely be very happy with it. Just go for the V8 not V6 lots of issues with those.
