Console lid re-do | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Console lid re-do


Elite Explorer
November 6, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Des Moines, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01,'02, '04 Sport Tracs,
Like most, my Sport Trac's console lid had a hole worn through the vinyl. I bought a dark gray replacement kit off eBay from octane-usa. That's what their chart said was a match, but it isn't nearly as dark as the original dark graphite. Aside from that, the vinyl seems to be good quality, and it's cut plenty big. The instructions call for 1/4" staples, but all I had were 5/16" heavy duty staples that are much stouter than the staples Ford used. Next time I would use 1/4". The staples had to go into very hard plastic and the thinner staples might go in better. I used up a LOT of staples because they wouldn't go into the plastic. All the staples do is hold everything together until you can get the plastic panel screwed back onto the underside. The final result looks decent, but under that bottom cover, it's a mess! There are 3 screws for the hinge and 9 for the underside of the lid. I considered using my cordless drill to deal with that many screws. DON'T. The screws are all really short and come out/go back in with about 3 turns.

The lighter colored lid is an original medium gray lid from a '98 Explorer just for comparison.

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It's funny cause I was just looking into this the past couple days. Then I seen a thread in the vender forum and there was a guy that sells these kits also. The pictures given on eBay and the like are very poor to see clearly to compare colors. The thread I mentioned has a good clear picture of his, another forum member, kit installed. The picture looks great and so does the kit but it's in tan so I'm not sure how close a match the dark grey is. I sent a message to ask on this more and for possible clearer pictures of said color to compare. If i do get a kit from them I'll post a pic for comparison. The only thing is I now have to go to a junk yard because I noticed the corner of my black back plate is cracked, actually the whole corner is missing where that screw is.

I think the color guide I used showed the dark gray as being used only in '97-98 Explorers/Mountaineers, but also for '01-03 Sport and '01-05 Sport Tracs. Our trucks have dark graphite interiors, which I think is way darker than the Exs and Mountaineers used, although I did see one in the salvage yard recently with a really dark gray console and darker door panels. Even the cargo cover was darker. I think it was in a white Mountaineer. That's the only one I've seen that dark though. Of course the lid was gone. We'll probably have a tough time finding an aftermarket kit that matches our Sport Trac interiors.

The kits can be ordered with extra foam. I thought the hole in mine was just through the vinyl, so I didn't order the foam, but there is a shallow divot in my foam. Maybe I should have ordered the kit with foam.

I swapped mine out for water resistant fabric in Realtree, which I really like.

I swapped mine out for water resistant fabric in Realtree, which I really like.

Do you have a picture of what yours looks like?

I'm personally not a fan of camo, but you did a nice job. I do like the idea of a cloth cover.

My '02 Trac has the short bag console (minus the bag of course) and the arm rest is perfect. As soon as it started getting warm last year and my bare arm started sticking to the vinyl, I cut the sleeve off a fleece pullover and slid it over the armrest. Now my arm doesn't stick and the vinyl is protected from the oils in my skin and sweat, which is what causes the vinyl to break down. I want to do something similar with the '01, even with the new vinyl. It won't be as simple though with the latches on the lid. I probably should have just recovered it in cloth.

I'm personally not a fan of camo, but you did a nice job. I do like the idea of a cloth cover.

My '02 Trac has the short bag console (minus the bag of course) and the arm rest is perfect. As soon as it started getting warm last year and my bare arm started sticking to the vinyl, I cut the sleeve off a fleece pullover and slid it over the armrest. Now my arm doesn't stick and the vinyl is protected from the oils in my skin and sweat, which is what causes the vinyl to break down. I want to do something similar with the '01, even with the new vinyl. It won't be as simple though with the latches on the lid. I probably should have just recovered it in cloth.

It's such an easy/cheap mod that it's not a big deal if you decide to re-do it, ya know? My latches under my lid broke, which has been something I've been meaning to fix.

I was just thinking I should have pulled the fabric off the junk driver's seat in an '01 Sport at the salvage yard a while back. I got the passenger's seat, the radio and instrument cluster from it. Driver's seat was worn out and actually broken so the back laid back into the back seat, but the fabric would have worked well for this console lid. Of course, I hadn't even thought of buying this Sport Trac at the time.

I was just at local pick n pull for the console lid backplate. It was my 1st time so wasn't sure what to expect…luck was not on my side, everyone that even had a lid was cracked. Was looking for the radio bezel for the 2 fog switch mod and also unlucky, the only 1 that would of worked was already cracked.

I scored a full length console swap from a ST yesterday. it even had the rear vents without the radio controls which was perfect. pain to get out with the wrong tools but I got it all for a good price. my console lid is ripped up so im looking for a repair kit or swap my stock console lid vinyl onto the new one

I was just at local pick n pull for the console lid backplate. It was my 1st time so wasn't sure what to expect…luck was not on my side, everyone that even had a lid was cracked. Was looking for the radio bezel for the 2 fog switch mod and also unlucky, the only 1 that would of worked was already cracked.

I was at my local pick n pull Friday and picked up a (black) radio bezel with the extra switches from an Explorer. I have no need of it whatsoever, just got it because there's often somebody on here looking for one. They charged me for the bezel and the switches separately. I will sell it with or without the switches for just what they charged me - plus shipping. The bezel itself was $12, and they charged me for 2 switches @ $8 each. It has the 4WD switch, rear defrost, rear wiper, and fog light switches. The total with tax and fees was $31.85. Bezel is in excellent condition, but it is black. Send me a PM if you're interested.

If you find a bezel at the salvage yard, check it carefully. I found one last week, already removed, that was really nice - except whoever took it out didn't know about the 2 screws under the radio and just jerked it out. The holes weren't damaged too badly, and it probably would be ok, but still it would be a shame to get home and then find the damaged holes. The radio bezel in my '01 doesn't have any screws in it and it's fine as it is.

Good console lids are very hard to find. I see a lot that have a good bottom plate, but the vinyl cover is almost always junk, as is the foam padding. I bought 2 good lids for $5 each recently. Can't beat that price.

I did this this in March when i first got the truck. Was my first project for my sport trac. The old one was beat up bad and it was too cold out to do anything else.
I picked up an xl t-shirt (realtree camo... nice.) from my local Good Will for $2.00 along with a bag of quilting padding (i guess) for a $1.00.
If you look close you can see i used the part of the t-shirt that had the pocket on it. I put it in the front facing foward so i can put papers or my phone in it.
The cotton t-shirt made this project real easy. I was able to use alot of fabric
(still had enough left over to do 3 more) and just stuff it all under the backplate. Didnt even have to cut holes for the screws, just screwed them right through the fabric.
Best part about this was it was really cheap so if don't like it i can swap it out for something else. Already keepin an eye out for a nice Yankee t-shirt that will fit.


I like the way you think! The Yankees part may be questionable though.

Pm sent
I was at my local pick n pull Friday and picked up a (black) radio bezel with the extra switches from an Explorer. I have no need of it whatsoever, just got it because there's often somebody on here looking for one. They charged me for the bezel and the switches separately. I will sell it with or without the switches for just what they charged me - plus shipping. The bezel itself was $12, and they charged me for 2 switches @ $8 each. It has the 4WD switch, rear defrost, rear wiper, and fog light switches. The total with tax and fees was $31.85. Bezel is in excellent condition, but it is black. Send me a PM if you're interested.

If you find a bezel at the salvage yard, check it carefully. I found one last week, already removed, that was really nice - except whoever took it out didn't know about the 2 screws under the radio and just jerked it out. The holes weren't damaged too badly, and it probably would be ok, but still it would be a shame to get home and then find the damaged holes. The radio bezel in my '01 doesn't have any screws in it and it's fine as it is.

Good console lids are very hard to find. I see a lot that have a good bottom plate, but the vinyl cover is almost always junk, as is the foam padding. I bought 2 good lids for $5 each recently. Can't beat that price.

Oh have you got me thinking after the tshirt thing. There's a few wet suit shops here in San Diego. Neoprene cover with a cell, ipod, handheld gps pocket with a clear window in it.
