Creative Ideas Needed for 4x4 Decal | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Creative Ideas Needed for 4x4 Decal

...just putting this out there and not a slam, but it sounds like "empty4"...but, it's never easy being creative...sometimes you just need to clear your mind and let it come to you...let the force be with you...:D

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sorry, but m4x4 sounds liek a metric bolt to me....

its clean now, jsut leave it alone... oyu know what they say about people that put 4x4 stickers on a 4x4... those are the ones that never actually use their street quenen....
I really don't see a prob. with it, I wish my 96 Had the decals, thats just me I like the 4X4 decals tho.

I'd attempt to make an example but Im not that patient, how about a 4X4 sticker with each of the 4's having an M blended on top of them or 4X4 with the X having an M blended on top of it. just an idear goodluck with it.:thumbsup:

maybe if MountaneerGreen wanted to be really creative he could try and copy the Chevy Pick up truck from Kill Bill Vol1:D

CooterWagen was it? That truck was AWESOME! Now if I could only wiggle my big toe...

CooterWagen was it? That truck was AWESOME! Now if I could only wiggle my big toe...

You're on the right track but i remember it was alittle more descriptive..:p:
gonna have to pull out the DVD and watch it soon.

Edit Found it


  • 11-12-02-pwagon.jpg
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Here is a prototype in .doc format. I would use charcoal grey, metallic silver and dark red.

It looks very similar to the factory FX4 decal because I took the factory decal I found online, removed the "F" and put in a modified "M". I curved the leading edge of the M like the F was to keep that factory style. I thought about Level III, but I dunno, the off road may be better :dunno:


  • MX4.doc
    48.5 KB · Views: 265

Looks nicer than i was expecting

...looks like factory and you will have the only one...:D

I stumbled across a web site that has tons of Ford logos in the format that I need- even the "Explorer" logo in that unique font, as well as emblems. Its really cool and completely free. :D That is where I got my FX4 file to work from.

Here is a prototype in .doc format. I would use charcoal grey, metallic silver and dark red.

It looks very similar to the factory FX4 decal because I took the factory decal I found online, removed the "F" and put in a modified "M". I curved the leading edge of the M like the F was to keep that factory style. I thought about Level III, but I dunno, the off road may be better :dunno:

Thats amazing! Looks sooo factory. Really think you should go w/ this one

Looks good, I'm not sure how the red will look on your greed truck though. Kind of Christmasy. Maybe in a medium blue or a silver where the red is.

Well, the M and X will be dark red, I already have that color on my TMH decal I made, it looks OK. I will use charcoal grey, silver, light grey and that dark red color. I may have to skip the red though, not sure. Your right though, the bright red does look Christmasish.

That's cool. I like how it looks. Just curious if you would be willing to share that website with us? It's nice to find emblems when you are looking for them. Thanks.

That looks awsome. I love the way your mounty looks. Looks like it came from the factory just like that.

I also made another set like those except for the outline is black, the MX is dark grey, the 4 is still grey, the off road is still metallic silver. Looks pretty pimpin, IMO. Not the right style for my rig, but I made em just to see what it would look like.


  • MX4 008 (Medium).jpg
    MX4 008 (Medium).jpg
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