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Custom air intake...

that isnt the stock intake tubing and MAF is it??

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Would you say this is just as good as the kkm inatake? It sounds about the same...

BigBadWimp said:
Would you say this is just as good as the kkm inatake? It sounds about the same...

Sounds the same to me. The KKM is just the filter and mounting plate. There had been discussions with Warren from KKM to actually manufacture a new intake tube to free up the restrictive 1st gen, but it has not gotten off the ground (start up cost was to high). See thread KKM Intake tube

DeRocha said:
There had been discussions with Warren from KKM to actually manufacture a new intake tube to free up the restrictive 1st gen, but it has not gotten off the ground (start up cost was to high).

I noticed that he said that the stock airbox moves twice as much air as the stock throttle body.. So speaking in terms of performance, there will be virtually no gain by this mod?

There probably would be if you plan on replacing your throttle body, too.

I just modified my airbox last weekend, I took off the hoses between the airbox and the front grill, plugged up the vacuum line to the engine, took a piece of wire mesh to cover up the rectangular hole that was left behind by removing the hose between the airbox and grill (to keep the mice out), and then opened up the airbox a little more by drilling a bunch of holes in the bottom part of the box. I think it helped a little.....

Yeah, I just did the swiss cheese thing to mine and you notice it a little bit. I did at the same time as the throttle cable mod so I probably noticed a difference more than you normally would.

I know with my intake, exhaust, Apten, TB, MAF, headers, I noticed a pretty big difference over stock. I drove a stock X the other day and was amazed how much of a difference those parts made on mine.

Where does everyone here buy their aftermarket TB and MAF?

I bought my TB from a member here. You can also get them from Summit, eBay, and EE. I bought my MAF from EE.

What exactly does the aftermarket MAF do?

huskyfan23 said:
extended the MAF wires,

Have you had any problems with the running condition of your truck since you extended the MAF wires? Or has it made no difference?

When I do this mod, should I leave the bottom 1/2 of my airbox on?

i just took a drill and drilled out the bottom of the box then put in a k&n air filter and i can feel the difference

Rhett said:
Have you had any problems with the running condition of your truck since you extended the MAF wires? Or has it made no difference?
NO difference at all. I believe Ford vehicle MAF's read pulse, not voltage, so as long as the connection's good there won't be any adverse affects.

CdnCory said:
When I do this mod, should I leave the bottom 1/2 of my airbox on?
Do this mod meaning what? Adding an open-cone filter or drilling your airbox? With the open-cone you might as well remove the bottom part of the airbox.

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