Custom LEDs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom LEDs


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2008
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City, State
Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer
Has anyone installed LEDs in their interior dome lights, license plate or driving lights? Looking for simple install tips.

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What i did for my domes was went to, bought 2 round 8 led utility lights(utility section), cut out the existing light housing and wired the lights right to the leads, super easy, huge light and not as time consuming as the thread you may have read, he's an led master, i could'nt do that. Fot the license plate, puddle lights, and the rear domes, I just replaced the bulbs with superwhite leds that they offer(alot of diff kinds to choose from) I did'nt do the headlights or tails(they did'nt produce enouph light in the tails to shine thru the red lens) Headlights 4 me I would do an hid conversion. the signal lamps i did replace with leds but u have to get load equalizers and wire them in(easy and cheap) and the look great behind clear side markers(also easy and cheap). good luck

Hey Thanks alot. I've been looking around but this is the best clear cut answer I've got. Thanx.

Thanks alot. This will help.

I tried LED's in the taillights once, and it made the message center think both bulbs were out.

I do have an LED third brake light though.


I tried LED's in the taillights once, and it made the message center think both bulbs were out.

That's because you need an LED load equalizer ( ) spliced into the wiring, or it thinks your lights are out. Also the reason they blinked fast. I had LED bulbs in my Ranger but was aware of this and had the load equalizers also. Once I switched from LED bulbs to LED tail lights on the Ranger, it was built in, so I no longer needed the load equalizers spliced in and took them out.

I replaced the 3rd brake light in my 2nd gen with LED's as the bulb thats original is over $200...

So I gutted the brake light (took it apart with a heat gun)
and found the LED's from a Chevy Venture 3rd brake light.
They're red, already mounted in a nice strip, and have the diods in place ect

They fit nicely in the Explorer lens mounted with hot glue.

They work nice too!
Total cost was $3 from a u-pull yard

Here is my write up

coming back to this thread, has any company come out since 2009 with a direct replacement LED 3rd brake light? This is crazy that no one has made one yet.:splat:

all my interior dome lights have blue leds in them. got all 6 light boards off ebay for under $20 shipped. there are 12 leds on each led board

blue leds in the puddle lamps and license plate lights as well


these are what i have. just use the festoon style adapter and peel n stick the led boards in your dome light housings. no cutting of modifying required, plug n play

I am about to order these from the site but I am completed confused as to what to select. I have an 2002 Explorer EB and I want to have low and high. Research shows that my lows are 9006 and the highs are 9005.

What do I order? :eek:

Your high beam and low beam are two different bulbs, which means you will have to buy an hid kit for 9005 and 9006 + an hid kit for fog lights if you have them. One hid kit gets you two bulbs and two ballasts

Okay, that is what I thought. I read somewhere that I could order just one kit that took care of both. So as you put it, I have to buy a 9005 kit, a 9006 kit AND a fog light HID kit. My last car had Xentec's and I was very pleased with them.

So I am going to have a total of 6 ballast's under the hood to control all this?

Yeah.6 ballasts total. I've had mine for almost a year and all 4 of my ballasts survived a salt filled Michigan winter (yeah, they're rusted) and the bulbs are still good. Not to mention my foglights and ballasts have been sunk in mud and still work

Good to go man. Thanks! Just out of curiousity, why are there kits touting that they control both hi and lows? When one has to get them individually anyway...

Thanks again for the help
