DDM Tuning HIDs! Amazing! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DDM Tuning HIDs! Amazing!


Active Member
March 2, 2011
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Fayetteville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Sport
So I bought some DDM Tuning HIDs for the Explorer. I hated the stock ones.

Came w/ Slim Ballasts, the Relay and the Bulbs.

I went with the 8000K cause I wanted the Blue-ish color. Needless to say it looks amazing. Install was easy! Plug and play!

If you guys are interested in some nice HIDs to install. Choose DDM.


Wattage: 35W
Bulb: 9006
Color: 8000K

Let me know what you guys think!


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i am definitely going with DDM when it's time to purchase my hids....you had stock hid's ? or halogens ?

How long have you had them installed for? How much better is your light output compared to the Stock Halogens? Any issues with intsall or light out on the dash display?

How was the install on the headlight itself? Any problems? Like cutting wires or insulators of any sort? Thanks I appreciate the feedback and some more pics, this one is nice, but I'd like to see a shot straight on.

Didnt they go out of business ?
I tried buying from DDM a few months ago, placed the order, waited for like a month with no answer and ended up cancelling the order.

Your Hids do look great, please post pictures of the headlights from the engine bay, so we can see the installation, congratulations, great mod !!!

Didnt they go out of business ?
I tried buying from DDM a few months ago, placed the order, waited for like a month with no answer and ended up cancelling the order.

Your Hids do look great, please post pictures of the headlights from the engine bay, so we can see the installation, congratulations, great mod !!!

ddm is pure chinese made cheap garbage.
on top of waiting 6 weeks for delivery the damn things lasted less then 2 weeks and they had the audacity to charge $15 for a replacement bulb. a week later the other side went and another $15. less then a month later both ballast started smoking and promptly fizzed out and died. their service is horrible in every sense and it takes weeks to get any sort of response, if you're lucky enough to even get one.. the products are pure junk.
never again.
buy a proper kit and never look back.

ddm is pure chinese made cheap garbage.
on top of waiting 6 weeks for delivery the damn things lasted less then 2 weeks and they had the audacity to charge $15 for a replacement bulb. a week later the other side went and another $15. less then a month later both ballast started smoking and promptly fizzed out and died. their service is horrible in every sense and it takes weeks to get any sort of response, if you're lucky enough to even get one.. the products are pure junk.
never again.
buy a proper kit and never look back.

Much obliged for real world experience!! Thanks for savings us all a headache!

Any chance of a write up of what you did and where you mounted anything if needed, ran wires, some pics, etc?
I have been wanting to do this but uncertain about what the process entails.


i never had problems with DDM. i've bought two kits from them for different vehicles... on the second kit i bought, one of the bulbs was more "yellow" than the other. i emailed them and they asked for pictures....once i got the pictures to them they had me ship the whole kit back and got a brand new kit. all within two weeks (shipping time to and from)...not one extra charge for any of it......

i can see them charging $15 for bulbs if you're not sending the defective bulb back to them first. i'm sure any company would do that.

I had a great experience w/ them.

Some people pay 27.00 for a HID kit, what do you expect?! You get what you paid for.

Any chance of a write up of what you did and where you mounted anything if needed, ran wires, some pics, etc?
I have been wanting to do this but uncertain about what the process entails.


I can get some pictures later but the wiring was plug and play. I zip tied a couple wires to some other ones in the engine bay, but its pretty straight forward

I dont think theres much difference between the 9005 and 9006. Maybe I couldve been wrong, maybe they are 9005's

I dont think theres much difference between the 9005 and 9006. Maybe I couldve been wrong, maybe they are 9005's

The difference is the 9006 require a bigger socket since the bulb is bigger round where you screw it in.

I have a ddm tuning kit in my other car (not the ex) and i know a couple of people who have bought them and while i personally never had any problems w/ the ordering process i've had a ton of problems with the ballasts. On my car one side would require you to turn the headlights on and off a few times before it would fire, and on my friends civic sometimes neither of them fire and you have to turn on/off 5 or 6 times!! My other friend had the same problem with his Bronco which continued even after they sent him new ballasts under warranty. Also one of my bulbs that i had in my foglights stopped working cause one of the wires just fell out of the bulb...in short, the ballasts are cheap, i would definetly NOT reccomend!!

nice job getting a bulb that has less output then halogen....

Wow, who invited negative Nancy to this party? :rolleyes: I'm quite happy with the output of my HID bulbs, I see a major improvement in night vision over the factory halogens.

Wow, who invited negative Nancy to this party? :rolleyes: I'm quite happy with the output of my HID bulbs, I see a major improvement in night vision over the factory halogens.

That may be, but you now most likely have illegal colored headlights(depending on your state laws), and is enough to be pulled over just on the lights alone.

I have purchased a few kits from DDM, several of the guys I work with have also bought kits. None of us have ever had issues. I have had 8000k on all my kits and never had legal problems with them.

As was said before, you get what you pay for, but I am very happy with my experience.

Btw Bubz, those look great! :thumbsup:

Wow, who invited negative Nancy to this party? :rolleyes: I'm quite happy with the output of my HID bulbs, I believe I see a major improvement in night vision over the factory halogens.


if you actually wanted improved output from a HALOGEN projector, swap in HIR bulbs.... Or if you really want HID's stay 6k and under, if you want them to actually be brighter then a halogen bulb... but since this is explorerforum, and the bluer = brigher, better, and the coolness, I don't expect anything different... If you really wanted the best headlights, you should have gone with 10 or even 12,000K!

You asked for opinions and I gave you mine, enjoy your ricetastic dim PnP's :rolleyes:

That may be, but you now most likely have illegal colored headlights(depending on your state laws), and is enough to be pulled over just on the lights alone.

As illegal as plug and plays are, I never hear of anyone getting pulled over for them.

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That may be, but you now most likely have illegal colored headlights(depending on your state laws), and is enough to be pulled over just on the lights alone.


if you actually wanted improved output from a HALOGEN projector, swap in HIR bulbs.... Or if you really want HID's stay 6k and under, if you want them to actually be brighter then a halogen bulb... but since this is explorerforum, and the bluer = brigher, better, and the coolness, I don't expect anything different... If you really wanted the best headlights, you should have gone with 10 or even 12,000K!

You asked for opinions and I gave you mine, enjoy your ricetastic dim PnP's :rolleyes:

As illegal as plug and plays are, I never hear of anyone getting pulled over for them.

Mine are 6000k, I've never been bothered about them. I'm be more worried about my illegal window tint than the color of my headlights.
