Difference between power and manual liftgate | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Difference between power and manual liftgate


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August 20, 2020
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Warsaw, Poland
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XLT 2018
Hello guys,
I have serious damaged trunk doors in Explorer (photo ). My car tinsmith told me that he can fix this, but it will not be cheap and because new glass is required it can make more sense to buy used trunk doors. The issue is that my trunk doors are automatic and most used trunk doors are manual - my questions is - what is the difference between them? Is it possible for tinsmith to move automatic equipment from old doors to new or they have different body?

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I am in Europe, I imported this Explorer in condition as it is and I want to fix it.
I think that you could possibly do this. The powered liftgate has the powered motor (strut) that you already have on the vehicle although it may be damaged. I think all you would need to do is add the powered tailgate release (lock actuator). Hopefully the existing wiring is still good and can be used to hook up all that you need. There are several items you might need to replace. You would likely have to add #15. Does it have the rearview camera? If so, that may need to be replaced as well. Lift Gate for 2018 Ford Explorer | Auto Nation Ford White Bear Lake


I think that you could possibly do this [...]

Hi Peter thanks for the answer!
Generally old trunk doors are bent, but they open automatically after pushing the button on the keyring, the rear camera is also working. So the only question is if it is possible to swap all equipment to other manual door metal frame. Do you think that this should be not an issue?

I can't say for sure and as far as I know it hasn't been done before, but you have everything that a power liftgate requires on the damaged vehicle. Some of the parts may be damaged though. Also, if you look at the link I provided, there is only 1 liftgate shown. It does not show separate ones for manual or power so it would appear that it is for both.


Hello guys,
I have serious damaged trunk doors in Explorer (photo ). My car tinsmith told me that he can fix this, but it will not be cheap and because new glass is required it can make more sense to buy used trunk doors. The issue is that my trunk doors are automatic and most used trunk doors are manual - my questions is - what is the difference between them? Is it possible for tinsmith to move automatic equipment from old doors to new or they have different body?

Best way to check is see a parts website, they will state the compatibility. There is no separate listing for power vs. manual.
