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Disabling door ajar system


High Voltage.
Elite Explorer
February 2, 2002
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mountaineer AWD
How can I disable the Door Ajar system on my Ex? I want to totally remove it. I want to take whatever controls it and smash it with a BFH. I have had more trouble with the door ajar setup than i care to discuss. It has to go. Any ideas?

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I don't know how to remove it but I have had some problems with mine also. I have had to try and break the door shutting it to get the door ajar to sence it was closed. I was afraid that I might break the glass. I would be intrested in knowing how to remove it or how to make it less sensititve.

oh man, welcome to the friggin door ajar club.funny i have a 96 xlt too. it happened to me twice. first it was the sensor on the rear driver side door and a week ago it was the rear hatch window sensor. just pull the sensors out of which door its coming from. i don't think it is as easy as pulling a door ajar fuse. i just pulled the interior lights fuse at first but that sucks, no power windows and stuff. find where its coming from and for now disconnest the sensor. everything will still work on that door, pw and pl, just the lights won't come on when you open that door. i did that w/ mine for now til i take it to an electrical place. ask me if you need anything else. i've become an expert on door ajar cases, unfortunately.

I had a first gen. Ex and all you had to do was unplug the module located below the dash. Now i don't know if it's the same w/ 2nd gen. Ex's as i have one myself now...but i have had no probs with this one.

It's the rear hatch, I'll just cut the wires and either tape them together, or apart whatever makes it go off.

you won't have to cut anything. you just have to unplug the clip.

Where's the clip for the back gate?

unfortunately the clip for the back gate prob requires taking the panel off. i had a prob w/ the rear window and that clip you can see through the little opening right underneath the lock knob. real easy

On the Chevy pick-ups there is a button to override the door ajar sensor, the door could be open and the light and chime would not come on.

I would like something like that.

You can get to it through the little plug right above the latch. You need to open the back window. To get my plug out I needed to put my finger in the hole the window latch goes in, and pull on the little tabs.

OK, maybe i should buy a Chevy truck? :rolleyes:

i think he means the one for the hatch. is the window and the hatch the same plug? i didn't take notice. if it is then it is real easy to get too.

Oh, my bad, I never checked where the back gate one is.

i think the gate has a different plug and you prob have to take the panel off.

I just looked in my book, there is one on each side of the gate. Prob have to take off cover.

so it could be two. is that in the haynes manual?

It shows two for the gate and one for the window in the electrical diagrams in the haynes book. (12-46 in mine)

thats it then. for peolple w/ this prob check the window one first. thats the easiest. if that doesn't work, your'e gonna have to take the rear panel off and it's one or the other

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Originally posted by Mbrooks420
How can I disable the Door Ajar system on my Ex? I want to totally remove it. I want to take whatever controls it and smash it with a BFH. I have had more trouble with the door ajar setup than i care to discuss. It has to go. Any ideas?

On the 95 and up Explorers, the door ajar light and sound are controlled by the GEM. Taking a BFH to it is highly discouraged as it also controls a bunch of other stuff too, including the power windows and locks and the transfer case shifting if you have Control Trac. If you want to disable it, I would suggest tricking the GEM into thinking the doors are always closed by rigging the switches. However, you will probably also lose courtesy light functions also.
