Discussion for John Rock's/Johnstone's memorial fund | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Discussion for John Rock's/Johnstone's memorial fund

Hi Everyone,
And thank you. When we left the funeral home last night, there was a balance of $1400 left. However, the money from the paypal donations has not been applied to that amount so we know that the funeral services will be covered and donations were made last night from the Sport Trac Forum and the local hang-out of John's that will go towards the total as well.

We are going to wait a couple of days to let the things get settled and then see where we need to go. We talked to Julia's older brother last night and talked to him about possibly starting a fund for Julia with the extra money to help with her education as she has shown an interest in going to nursing school.

The viewing/services were amazing. EF was well represented by myself and Jeff, Kris, Randall (Elder Evil Elemental) and his wife Amber, Mike (Reaperseviltwin), Martin (Fordlover) and his wife Jackie, Chris (TxPlates) and his wife Maria, and Tiffany (Tripany). There were reps from Sport Trac Forum as well as many friends and co-workers. We shared stories and laughed. They played John's favorite 80's songs...nothing like hearing "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" (his favorite song) and a slide show of John wheeling, pics of him and Julia, and him doing some dancing at the local karoake bar. Though it was very sad, and still shocking, we know that John would want us to focus on the fun times and remember him for his outgoing personality, his ability to take naps whenever and wherever, his pranks, and for his ability to live life to the fullest.

Julia was amazing. Even her uncle told me how amazed he was at how she is handling things. For an 18 year old, she held up pretty well last night and then told us she wanted to start wheeling the Sport Trac like her dad and could we help her. :eek: Looks like we may still have a Johnstone on the trails with us. ;)

I think the EF family has shown many other people how we take care of each other and that there are still good people in this world who care about others. The staff at the funeral home were telling us of all the calls from the different countries that they had received to get donations and how they couldn't put the phone down without it immediately start to ring again. They did keep a list of everyone who made a donation so Julia will know how important her dad was too so many people, whether they had met him or not. Thank you doesn't seem enough to express how much we appreciate all the help and support. John would be very proud. :D

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Love it, I can just see John riding shotgun, laughing along the whole time.

Thanks Lori and Jeff for everything you've done on your end. I'm going to let the PayPal widget stay up through Saturday to give those who get paid on Friday a chance to contribute.

PayPal-ed through the widget. Wish I could do more. :(

This is a fantastic show of support. Just amazing. :thumbsup:

Ok everyone, I messages Rick about this earlier and the details are finally starting to come together so I figured I'd post it here now and start a new thread later.

I am putting together a car show in Richmond, Virginia to serve as memorial and benefit show for John and his family. No exact date is set, but we have already selected a location and ironing out the fine details now.

If anyone has a good suggestions for a date that will still allow us time to get it together then feel free to chime in. As of right now it is looking like it will be $5-10 per car to enter/register and then a portion of the profits from the location itself will also go towards the fund.

It was good to see everyone, and put faces to names, but as I said I wish it had been under different circumstances.

When I was donating last night, the lady at the funeral home said she was amazed by the outpouring of support by the community. She hinted to me that she'd never seen anything like this before.

I will definitely have a huge grin on my face if I get to see the monster Sport Trac on the trails again. All I can say is Julia, you go girl.


Ok everyone, I messages Rick about this earlier and the details are finally starting to come together so I figured I'd post it here now and start a new thread later.

I am putting together a car show in Richmond, Virginia to serve as memorial and benefit show for John and his family. No exact date is set, but we have already selected a location and ironing out the fine details now.

If anyone has a good suggestions for a date that will still allow us time to get it together then feel free to chime in. As of right now it is looking like it will be $5-10 per car to enter/register and then a portion of the profits from the location itself will also go towards the fund.

Do you want to do it sooner or later??

For a good showing for a car show, you're looking towards May on, and the first weekend in June a lot of the East Coast crew will be at the 2011 All Ford Nationals.

I'd vote for the first or second week of July.

You guys should do the car show planning in another thread:thumbsup:

I've been outta the forum for awhile... but I swear God brought me here tonight. I will be donating in the morning. I'm thrilled everyone is pulling together.
