DL3Z-19A390-B Ford RMU discontinued | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DL3Z-19A390-B Ford RMU discontinued


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2017
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City, State
South Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer XLT
I was just thinking of adding the RMU to my existing VSS and remote start.

I notice on several on-line Ford dealer sites they are showing DL3Z-19A390-B Ford RMU a discontinued part now.

Wondering if I buy one will it be obsoleted and not work soon.

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I would lean toward not, Spindance just refreshed the application for 64 bit iOS, and the RMU itself is at least a 3G part.

If anything I would guess that the RMU might be getting refreshed to an LTE based device. Right now I think it's HSDPA/UMTS based, or something along those lines.

I just did a some Google-fu... I'm seeing the same base part number with a "c" suffix. They revised the part. If you do buy, get the C if you can if all other pricing is the same.

I read that DL3Z-19A390-C is the Canada equivalent of the USA DL3Z-19A390-B on either this or some other forum.

It would make sense, probably a different cell carrier in Canada, but I cannot say for sure this is so.

I have a new one if anyone is looking :)

Has any heard anything else on if they will release an updated module?
