Does anyone have this part for an A4LD. Thank you | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does anyone have this part for an A4LD. Thank you


Elite Explorer
September 11, 2009
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94 XLT
I was wondering if anyone would have this plug for an A4LD. The plug is located on the driver side right behind the linkage. I will pay for the part. Thanks in advance guys. Have a great night.


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Any standard 1/8" NPT plug will work. I'd wrap it in teflon and snug it down. It's a pressure port to read the internal fluid pressures of the transmission. A common mod is to place a temperature sensor here. Due to the nature of NPT, there is no length since it's conical shaped. Tighten until snug is the name of the game for plumbing parts.

Ok perfect thank you very much. I bought a PML pan for our explorer and I want the temp sensor in the pan not the pressure port. That is why i was looking for one. Thanks for all the great info. What was the factory plug made of.

Is it better to monitor temp via that pressure port plug, or via the pan? I'd assume via that port, since it's right on the body of the trans...

I think the port, that's after the fluid's been through the pump and possibly after the torque converter as well. Pan temp should be lower since the fluid out of the cooler dumps there.

I always thought the best place e for a temp sensor was in the pan. That is where I will end up putting mine sine I have the room now with the pml pan.

The temperature sensor on the 5R55E is in the wiring harness in the pan so it makes me think that the pan might be the best place (at least according to the engineer who designed the wiring harness for that transmission).

I know I am probably just paranod but I wonder of the actual sensor part blocks flow at all since it is sitting in the fluid path.

I'm another one that believe in putting the trans temp sensor in the pan. That's the temp of the fluid that is going "into" the trans. That is more or less what I care about.

If you are really paranoid you could put a sensor in the fluid as it comes out of the trans but the only reason I would really care about that is fluid breaking down due to extreme temps but you would know that is happening when your pan temp goes higher than normal..

I don't have an issue using the pressure port but in my case the trans in the explorer (700r4 conversion) has a trans pressure gauge. Since the 700r4 uses a TV cable I wanted to know if it broke or something let go in the trans. This last rebuild of the trans brought the pressures down (and shifts are less harsh) but in general the pressures from from 80 psi or so up to 160psi (maybe a little higher).. So, I really just look for abnormal pressures...


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