Door trim replacement needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Door trim replacement needed


Elite Explorer
February 11, 2016
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Vegas, baby!
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Sport Shadow 401A
2017 Explorer Sport. I need to replace the short section of door trim on the forward edge of the rear door on the driver's side (see pic). It looks like just the bottom half is its own part, although it might be one long rubber strip from the top of the door to the bottom. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a part number?

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I'm not sure if it is one of these. Levittown Ford is a forum vendor and offers members a discount. You can call them and speak with Benny.


I'm not sure if it is one of these. Levittown Ford is a forum vendor and offers members a discount. You can call them and speak with Benny.


I'll do that, thanks Peter.

I got mine off EBAY for my 15, then for my 17 platinum. Around 40 each. Easy to remove snd replace

Thank you so much! I'm assuming that I want "Rear Door-Front LH" since mine is on the driver's side? I'll call the number that @peterk9 posted, but now I have a part name, so I appreciate your posts. Also, good to know the price range and ease of installation.

I ordered this last Wednesday and it showed up two days later.

Door trim 01.jpg

Door trim 02.jpg

I know it's a bit overkill, but I've been wanting to get a nice trim removal tool kit, so I also ordered this from Amazon:


I'll probably wait until this weekend to have a go at it.

I just replaced both sides on my 2014. Purchased from autoproamerica mentioned above.

A flat blade screw driver and a rag to protect your paint will do the job. Pry loose and yank free the 4 plastic retainers, and press in by hand the new parts. The whole job took about 10 minutes.
