Double DIN head units (2nd Gen X) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Double DIN head units (2nd Gen X)


Former DSMer
Elite Explorer
January 10, 2006
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State College, PA WE ARE... PENN STATE!!
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 Sport Trac Ltd V8 4x4
I was wondering if anyone has installed a double DIN head unit in their 95-01 X, and if you have, could you post pics of the install? I was drooling over Alpine's latest double DIN HU (IVA-W200) and was wondering if I could squeeze it into my 98 Sport dash.

Thanks in advance.

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Lil98Sport4X4 said:
I was wondering if anyone has installed a double DIN head unit in their 95-01 X, and if you have, could you post pics of the install? I was drooling over Alpine's latest double DIN HU (IVA-W200) and was wondering if I could squeeze it into my 98 Sport dash.

Thanks in advance.

with a little trimming it goes right in. u can check my cardomain... i got a couple so so pics of a double din unit installed in my sport. the are on page 2 or 3. no pics of the trimming though. but once u get your old radio out u can pretty much see where to trim.

here you go.....


  • carputer 043.jpg
    carputer 043.jpg
    40.5 KB · Views: 638

Thanks hiridin ...very nice setup.

I knew I saw your stereo before ...I just forgot who owned it. I am really impressed with your setup and how clean it looks. Thanks for the reply. I think I am gonna go with the Alpine W200, which means I'll probably sell off my old Clarion HU's.

Once I get the whole system installed, I plan on going elite and posting some pics in the audio section as well as some pics of my X.
