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double din

do you have a fixed screen ?
don't use body filler it gonna crack and look ugly also do not trim the sides only the up and down inside the bazel
if you have a fix'd monitor on this unit you can have a perfect fit with a little bit of modifying the kit

my install is a bit more complicated although i am going to finish it tomorrow

if you like to talk on the phone i can explain you step by step , just send me a private message and i will send you my #

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it is motorized. it sux bad to bc of it, I have had it in for 8 months and im fine with how its in but would like to clean it up

post a pic
i am going through it right now ...although i figure it out ..i have great technical knowledge and a friend with a nice work shop with every possible tool ,
i fabricated my self brackets and braces , the end result will look clean just like oem


don't go spending your money for nothing , you gonna hand up cutting the whole thing to pieces and it will be no good

you must have a custom fit , which is not such a big deal if you have the time
where about are you ?

Sorry, I couldn't find my install pics either.

First of all, I see dimensions being tossed around (7"), but you need to be specific whether you are referring to the metal casing or the screen. The manufacturing specs aren't always clear about this, you need to measure yourself. It's one issue trying to mount the HU's metal casing inside the dash and another issue having the screen fit in the little plastic indent, and if it's motorized, having enough room for it to move.

Like I said earlier, I installed the Kenwood DNX9140 using the Scosche FD1330B kit. I researched it before I got it, and back then (a few months ago), it was the biggest HU since sliced bread, and everybody said it wouldn't fit easily. I'd be surprised if the HUs you guys have are bigger than it, but technology certaintly could have changed since I bought mine.

Well it fit quite easily and I show it off on how factory looking it looks with the Scosche kit. The only mods I had to do was grind out the upper & lower lip of the black plastic dash panel. My screen is also motorized (angles up & down) and has NO interference, despite being tucked nicely in the dash's indent. If the screen wasn't motorized, I would not have had to touch the Scosche kit, but since it was, all I had to do was cut off the skinny little top and bottom sticks.

I looked up a pic of the Metra 5600 kit that Koba is using. It looks identical to my Scosche kit. Be aware it took a little finessing to click the HU into the dash with the thick side brackets. If you're not even close to fitting your metal HU frame with the Metra side brackets, then I guess you're going to need to fab up your own brackets.

If your frame fits, but it's your motorized screen you're worried about, you can always consider mounting the HU further out of the dash so the screen sticks out a little and has free movement.

Good luck and post some pics.

Just take one with an iphone and post it

Here are some pics of mine after the install. The screen does stick out from the dash, it was the only way. I didnt use the kit, I only used what came with my dvd player. It had the black surround that I am using and also came with a much thinker one that wasnt going to work.



well you are not far from there have to hold the unit from the back when the whole bazel is out from his place fasten the back with brackets and bolts , make sure it is not moving then use the slider like in the stock radio to hold from the back , install the whole bezel when the unit is already fastened on it and you good

yeah I have it so it doesnt move or anything, just wish it was a cleaner install. Its been cold here latly and if it wasnt I would have it out and probably looking alot better.

dash kit

i use the metra 95-5600 kit

you take the bezal off and iso mount the radio from the will need to file the lip down on the bezal

it is very simple to do...i didnt feel like pulling it into the garage at work so i did it in my driveway at home..haha

this is what my kenwood looks like (and dont mind the ipod cords from the glove box..those are hidden)

What Kenwood unit is that and does anyone know what model units were used in the first few posts? Those seemed to be the easiest to get to fit.

NONE of you need a custom install, and theres no such thing as a DD thats too big.

1. You have to trim the inner lips like mentioned of the bezel
2. Get the Metra Dash kit
3. Mount the dash kit, and ring, hook everything up!

BOOM your done. Whether you have a CD slot on the front, or its a motorized screen, YOUR fine!

I had a 7" kenwood DD that had the power screen to flip down for the DVD slot, and I made it work without a dash kit even.

One of the problems Im seeing here is the way they are putting it in.

It WILL NOT fit going straight in from the front of the bezel! You have to take off the bezel from your dash, put the side mounting brackets from the install kit on, and put the DD deck in through the REAR of the bezel.

I had the same problem. It just requires more brains if your someone like me who doesnt like looking at installation guides. I got part way into dremeling my side lips before the thought of putting it in through the rear would fix the problem.


Sorry, I tried twice to take pics. My reg digi is dead and my iPhone can't get a good pic with my tinted windows.

Get the Scosche FD1330B kit. Order it NOW! It will fit (with some minor dremeling, which it looks like you probably had to do some by now anyway). Your install will look a million times cleaner. You should have no interference with the screen.

If I'm wrong - then, sorry, I cost you $10.

Looking at Pioneer AVIC model, which kit is recommended? Some say Scoche some say Metra...

Both Scotche and Metra work but I think the Scotche have a better finish to the mounting kits. BTW you can also find the Metra and Scotche install/dash kits as most Super-Walmarts back in the automotive section.

Thanks for the info! Looking up wiring up kits now as well.

Just put an AVIC-F700BT in my 2nd Gen. Used the Metra 99-5805 dash kit. There was a little lip that prevented the AVIC from fitting all the way into the trim piece, but a little bit of muscle and sanding made it fit perfect.

I'll get pics next time I'm in the truck, I also made a few nice Ford Explorer splash screen for AVICs, but I'm sure it can be resized for many others too.





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Thanks guys, Feel free to sticky them or whatever, and if needed I can do some more, just give me the art.

