Dreaded no heat blend door saga | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dreaded no heat blend door saga


Elite Explorer
March 21, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
2016 XLT
TLDR; no heat but actuator and blend door do work.

I’ve had my 99 Explorer since I got it in 2004 when I was 16. I got it with 70k and it’s now got 208k, but it’s been sitting for the last handful of years in the back paddock. It’s my favorite little truck and after all these years I still can’t part with it. My summer plan has been to get it back into shape to causally daily drive again (new wheel hubs, CV axles, replace all the front suspension parts).

A couple winters ago, I found the heater was only blowing luke-warm air so I replaced the blower motor, t-stat and topped off the coolant. It didn’t really help. Rather than digging into it, I bought an F-150 to survive the CO winters. Hence why the Explorer has just been sitting out in the yard for a few years.

This last month I started tackling the heating issue. Replaced the blend door actuator and found it to still be functioning correctly. I then cut into the box to replace the blend door and found that actually works correctly too.

Now I’m stumped.

From the heater control valve (HCV), the passenger side hose to the heater core is hot while the driver side hose remains cool (or engine bay temp) to the touch.

I bought a new HCV and plan to do a heater core flush when I replace the HCV.

Before I start taking things apart and throwing parts at it, is there something I’m missing that could be causing this heat issue? Vacuum leak?

And since everyone loves pictures. Here’s my 2nd gen with my 5th gen. I need to sharpie the puddle lights red again like I did in high school.


An update for those who may search this thread in the future. I dug into the HCV the other day and found the vacuum line severed. The whole thing just lifted right out of the engine bay and the other end is now dangling in the fender well.

I think I found the issue. It looks like it must’ve got too hot then super brittle and snapped.

When I go to replace the hubs, CV axle and suspensions parts on that side, I’ll fix the vacuum line and that should solve the heating issue.




A temporary fix might be to just take some (electrical) heatshrink tubing, especially the kind that's glue lined if you have that but it's not necessary, and join the hose ends back together. It might work so well that it's a permanent fix... until the brittle line cracks somewhere else.
