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Dreaded trans issues


August 14, 2018
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03 explorer xlt
Hey...thanks for you time, I am new here yet I've read a few things before coming a member but now I need your help....

03 explorer 4.6 180k awd

I daily my two powerstroke trucks im a huge ford fan and lover. 2 yrs ago my girlfriend now wife fell on hard times were her vehicle so I bought her a explorer, great vehicle but now having issues...k enough babble

Two months ago the trans start having issues where did not want to shift into 2nd gear nor Overdrive from what I could tell after looking on the internet I found your guys's form and found the service Bore Kit which I installed in that fix all the problems and then drove well for the last 2 months. Well the problem has returned except for with some new symptoms it does not want to take off and drive unless you throttle it and then it goes into first gear and takes off when you come to a stop sign other times it'll take off in first gear just fine but it will rev high and won't shift into 2nd until you let off the throttle I've put it in manual second if manual 2nd is 2nd gear I have no issues taking off my concern is with drive or first gear revving it up to get it to engage it never did that before I'm curious if maybe the O-rings on the service Bore Kit have torn or am I looking at a different issue I'm getting the OD flashing light check engine light along with the ABS light now. Still problems shifting from 2nd and I believe 5th gear with no overdrive not real positive it's hard to count the gear changes also when shifting into 3rd I believe it likes to rev up and kick down a gear Anna back in the gear appreciate all your help sorry for the long post thanks guys

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Would the new servo have broken the band? And how would I have all my gears besides od if the band was broke? That dam bolt was so rusted I couldn't get it to turn to adjust the band ugh

It can't be... The adjustment screw is so corroded I couldn't get it to turn... Just doesn't make sense. She's been driving it months since the repair then the abs light comes on and the trans issue followed suit...I'll pull codes after work

The stud is rusted I could back the nut off and back the stud out but there aren't decent enough threads to run it in.....im assuming you can't back that all the way out and replace it with having to open the trans up?

The band anchor apply strut might fall out if you remove it completely. It's a very difficult job to reconnect it with the transmission in place. There's a way to go around the valve body to get in there but it's not easy.

Im gonna pull codes tonight and see what's going on. Friday it drive fine. Saturday abs light came on Sunday the trans issue came back....same symptoms as before with it not wanting to shift that the servo kit fixed. But now when you come to a stop SOMETIMES NOT EVERYTIME you have to give it gas then it engages first firmly....around 2k rpm it engages. I can put it in manual 1 and two foot it and it don't slip floor it from a stop with no slip....same thing with 2nd manual. Taking off you can tell it's in 2nd because it doesn't have the pull like first does obviously and again two foot it and no slip. Im lost on why it doesn't wanna engage first every time and others it will. Does the tcm take signal from one of the abs sensors maybe? I believe I have 5th gear tho as she's driving the truck so I drove this so she doesn't burn it up but in my way to work at 70mph she was around 3k so it's def 5th but no lock up. Wondering if I tore an oring in that service Bore kit. Are you famikfam with it? I great appreciate your help as well thank you so much. Don't really wanna put a trans in it as I will just drive it till it's done and we will buy another vehicle as we are in a better spot now

Fluid was done at Ford probably 8 mo ago... But nothing came out when I did the servo... And I have no way to check it, there isn't a dip stick....great idea

I'll check codes and see what it's commanding as far as gear....I can get into 2nd by letting off the throttle shifting to third slips a little and jumps out of gear then back into 3rd assuming because he doesn't like how the band is not being applied the 4th and 5th is completely fine with no overdrive

I have every gear that I choose with the shifter if they helps

Ok sorry for bugging you here it goes


Driving it....1st to 2nd....skips 2nd and goes to 3rd then 3rd to 4th with no 5th. Put the truck in manual 2nd shows 2nd gear and I can now use that gear and **** to 3rd and then to D with no issues. Im guessing by doing that it is by passing the solenoid pack. She may still have some life left, what's your opinion boss

Ok so you don't think the solenoid is the problem? I assumed because I can use second gear if I manually put it in second the band was not broken

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