Driver side unlock button not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driver side unlock button not working

Joe Fed

New Member
September 2, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Apex, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
I have a 97 XLT and the drivers side power un-lock button stopped unlocking the doors, it works to lock all doors. I bought a used switch assy off e-bay and tried it and it did the same thing. I checked all the connections and wires and all appear fine. Any suggestions???

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It may be the unlock relay located behind the plastic cargo panel on the drivers side. The switch sends a signal to the lock relay when you push the switch to lock the doors; the switch sends a signal to the unlock relay when you push the switch to unlock the doors. The relays actually send the signal to the lock actuators in the doors to lock or unlock.

My 97 xlt is doing this too....but I couldn't find the relay in the fuse panel on the drivers side. The manual didn't say anything about a relay either,just fuses. Anymore on this?

The relay isn't in the fuse panel. Someone at Ford with a weird sense of humor put the relays in the back of the truck: behind the left (driver side) rear plastic panel just above the rear wheel.


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Well I can rule out relays on mine. I replaced both of them and it still will not lock but it will still unlock. It's looking like maybe the switch....anything else I should check before doing the switch? Thanks for the help so far.

Test the switch with a DVM. From the schematic, the switch is grounding Ckt 119 (Pink/Yel Stripe) for Unlock or Ckt 120 (Pink/Lt.Green Stripe) for Lock.

having same issue with my 98 xlt. i will have to check some of these out. please let me know if you found the culprit. i will try to check my wiring next week when i am off work.

I found this idea on another site and thought it was worth a try, and it worked. In the door hinge area there is a canister looking thing with a bolt on the top. This is a large connector for the wires going from the door into the car body. Loosen the bolt and the connector will come apart. Slip the rubber boot off both sides (one in the car body and the one off the large end of the connector). Poke around at the wires and you may find one of the pink wires broken. The guy that made the post found this as the problem and I did too. (Kinda wierd) Splice the wire and away you go.....

do you mean the wiring that goes behind the driver's side door panel? or is it a different wiring? do you have the link that explains in detail?

I have a picture but could not get it on this post.
Open the door and look where the door hinges are. There is a large canister looking thing with a bolt on the top.

Ah I think I understand. Will go out in a bit and check it out!
