Drives side grab handle screw holes ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drives side grab handle screw holes ?


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Hey gang,
My 95 4-door has grab handles at/above each door EXCEPT driver's .. Question: Did Ford still put in two screw holes to add handle later if desired? ....can't feel them through foam but doesn't mean they can't be there....

Also, How/can I change my username? .....chose it on a whim.....not digging it now.......

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I dont think the driver got a grab handle. The theory being that he/she should be grabbing the steering wheel.

I was hoping they're there for an improvised application.... point of attachment....

A handle there would come in handy for a crash landing scenario.....should one arise..... :)

Thanks.... that's cool with adding the A- pillar handles as well.....
Yeah funny...they have the bracket holes already there and molded / recessed headliner for them.....just left the brackets out......

You could put a handle anywhere you want one (where there is metal), it only takes a drill to put a slightly undersized hole in, then a self tapping screw. You could get fancy and try welding a nut on but the difference relative to human body weight... isn't all that relevant.

However I think the driver's area doesn't need one as much because the driver is "hopefully" more aware that there's about to be a severe problem with enough time to react appropriately even if that reaction is bracing for impact rather than driving out of it.

Really though, the handles are just an aid to get in and out.
