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duplicate key


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2005
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City, State
Jefferson City, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Sport Trac 2wd
I bought my 04 sport trac used and I got the original key and a key that had been made. The original works fine but the other will work the drivers door and tail gate and fits in the ignition but will not let it turn.

I went to lowe's tonight and had a different key made and this one will work both doors and when I put it into the ignition, it will turn all the way but not start the engine.

My question is, Do I have to go to the Ford Dealership to get a key made or what?


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How many keys do you have? If you only had the 1 original then yes you will need to get the key programmed at the dealer. If you had 2 original keys then you could do it yourself.

get the key programmed?? what do you mean? Just have the dealership cut the key?
Lowes ran the key and their is no chip inside the key so i dont see why these arent working. is there a magnet or something inside the factory keys that allow them to work the ignition?

get the key programmed?? what do you mean? Just have the dealership cut the key?
Lowes ran the key and their is no chip inside the key so i dont see why these arent working. is there a magnet or something inside the factory keys that allow them to work the ignition?

You sure could have swore all Explorers and sporttracs had PATS lock keys. The keys should have a transponder chip in it that is detected by the PCM.

If you key looks like this then you don't have PATS theft..

If it looks like this then you do..


?? explain please
mine dosent look like any of those

Edited the post showing the keys..

edited my post with a pic

I think your key is a PATS theft key.. The head looks awfully big for one that isn't. I got a feeling the guy at Lowes was wrong.

guess ill visit the dealership

Yep it's a pats key.
Like they all said, if you only have one, the dealer has to do it. You can be the key itself from ebay for cheaper but the dealership may not program it for you.
It's not as bad as other cars though...
We only had one key when we bought the Jetta. It costs us like 200 bucks to get one made and programmed (key that flips from the remote). Called everywhere and no one other than the dealer had the ability.

the dealership I work at charges 95 for the first key and like 125 for 2. Honestly, pay it. If you lose your key you will have to get the truck towed to the dealership because they need the car present to program the keys

how can you make more with two keys?

You breed them!!

how can you make more with two keys?

layman's explanation of system

The keys have a RFID tag in them, when you start the vehicle, the security system asks the key for it's ID, if the ID sent back from the key to the system is wrong - it will not let the vehicle start (or shut off the engine after a second). Every key has a unique ID, so the ID needs to be in the system for it to work.
To program a new key by yourself, you need 2 keys (maybe it's so someone doesn't take a key, copy it, program it into the system, them come back later to steal the vehicle).
2 keys authenticates you are actually the owner (maybe?), and allows you to program in more.

If you have only one key, only the dealer or a locksmith with diagnostic tools can log into the ECU/security module and add more keys.

Some vehicle antitheft systems come with a red key, and you can ony add/program more keys with that red key (don't lose that one).

RFID = Radio Frequency Identification

RFID tags are used in vehicle keys, security tags to open doors, animals (injected under skin) for tracking/history, credit cards for tap and go payments, lots of other thing too

do a search for adding keys using ford pats system on google or something to find out how add keys if you have 2 keys

But not helpful at all hehe
IIRC you put the first key in and turn it to ON (don't start the vehicle) 3 times, then you take it out, put the second one in and do the same, then all of the keys you put after that will be programed (you can have up to 8)
but yeah maybe your owner's manual will have more accurate info

But not helpful at all hehe
IIRC you put the first key in and turn it to ON (don't start the vehicle) 3 times, then you take it out, put the second one in and do the same, then all of the keys you put after that will be programed (you can have up to 8)
but yeah maybe your owner's manual will have more accurate info

But not helpful at all hehe
IIRC you put the first key in and turn it to ON (don't start the vehicle) 3 times, then you take it out, put the second one in and do the same, then all of the keys you put after that will be programed (you can have up to 8)
but yeah maybe your owner's manual will have more accurate info

thinking about buying the blank off ebay and getting it cut and trying to program it myself..ill keep everyone posted

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thinking about buying the blank off ebay and getting it cut and trying to program it myself..ill keep everyone posted

It won't work unless you have two programmed working keys though. I just tried it with one a little bit ago and it wouldn't work.
