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Dyson Cyclone technology in cars.


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May 11, 2008
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I saw and ad on tv about the a dyson vacuum cleaner and it's one of the ones that never looses suctions b/c it has no filter to clog it spins the air in a canister to separate the air and dirt. So i was thinking why not have something like this in cars it would give the most performance and never have to worry about air filer ever again. Just a stupid thought i had so what are there any holes im my logic besides the cost of one would be.

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What, so you can put FRAM, Purolator and a few others out of business? :)

No like i said it was just a stupid thought i had. It would be funny if someone read this and in a few month see it on tV tho or we get pics of a ricer with a dyson under the hood.

Maybe not such a stupid idea, the old single huey has a particle seperator to remove debris from the air going into it's turbine engine. I'm sure that it would be challenging due to the different air flow at different rpm but it kind of makes me wonder...

woot maybe it wasn't and idea. I do rember he used to have an old tractor that had a big turbo looking thing on the inside it had a screw like design to it to keep seeds and biger thing from getting to the filter. If the dyson really does work y not i would think the engine would take in a lot more air then the vac would. So hows going to try this out lol

doesn't sound like a stupid idea, sounds like another highly customized mod that could go REALLY well. perhaps the best air flow possible with the best filering? hellz yea

I'm wondering what my Focus has for a filter/air cleaner assembly. It's a funky looking cannister. It's a PZEV (Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle) car with a lifetime air filter installed. Factory service manual says it never has to be changed....maybe it's something along those lines....:dunno:

I don't know wether it would work but I do knownthat dyson guy sound way too full of himself.

Acting like brushless motors were HIS idea and that theyll reduce carbon output. What a load of crap.

I have heard that the dyson acually have like 7 small filters but that is not concrete information.

Maybe not such a stupid idea, the old single huey has a particle seperator to remove debris from the air going into it's turbine engine. I'm sure that it would be challenging due to the different air flow at different rpm but it kind of makes me wonder...

Indeed, helicopter turbines and vacuum cleaners run at relatively the same RPM range and, therefore, a relatively constant volume of airflow moves through them. That won't work with a variable RPM engine as the airflow can't be easily optimized over that wide an operating range.

I'm wondering what my Focus has for a filter/air cleaner assembly. It's a funky looking cannister. It's a PZEV (Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle) car with a lifetime air filter installed. Factory service manual says it never has to be changed....maybe it's something along those lines....:dunno:

I read an SAE article about those filters a couple months ago in Automotive Engineering Magazine... They really do work for the 'lifetime' of the vehicle. However, they don't specify that the 'lifetime' of that vehicle is finite. I don't recall seeing the actual numbers, but IIRC, they tested the unit out to 250,000 miles under extremely dusty conditions, (picture a 2-year continuous dust storm) and airflow through it was still 'acceptable'. They were developed by a couple of guys at Visteon IIRC.

I don't know wether it would work but I do knownthat dyson guy sound way too full of himself.

Acting like brushless motors were HIS idea and that theyll reduce carbon output. What a load of crap.

I have heard that the dyson acually have like 7 small filters but that is not concrete information.

Nope. One cyclonic filter chamber, one washable, re-usable HEPA filter at the end of it all.

And they do suck... we got the suckiest wedding present... We got one last year for our wedding. I LOVE it.

Ya kinda thought about the rpm not being the same so no way to make it work idk about the focus being a life time filter tho so something good came out of this post lol.
