Early explorers please help!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Early explorers please help!!!!!

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT, 92 XL
I am going to call National Spring in the morning to order some new rear leaf springs. What I need is the weight of a early Explorer and if you know the weight of just the front and just the rear. Any help is welcome!!!!

If your going to tell me to look at the inside sticker on the drivers door don't. I had to replace the door with a new one when I rolled it and I didn't save the sticker.

I just want numbers. Even a really educated guess would help!!

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The shop who did my safety inspection last year used a computerized brake test that gave approximate axle weights and total vehicle weight. My wife has the explorer at the moment, so I can verify this later, but my recollection is this (92 4x4,4door XLT):
total weight 4500 lbs
rear axle ~2000 lbs
front axle ~2500 lbs

I'll try to verify later and post if it's significantly different.

According to the door sticker on my '94, total weight is 5280. Front axle = 2640, and rear = 3000

I would think that the spring shop should be able to tell you what your car weighs..... If a spring shop can't send me a spring pack by application, I think I'd reconsider ordering from them. If they can't get the weight of the car right, how will they get any other measurements right?

uuummmm.....Have you ever heard of National Spring???

There the best at what they do!!! They build spring packs to your spec. As for me, I want springs that are arched for my spring over axle set up but with ultimate wheel travel. I want all of this but no more lift then what I have so its National Spring all the way.
