East Coast 10th Anniversary Poll - Choose Where | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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East Coast 10th Anniversary Poll - Choose Where

Where should the east coast run be held?

  • Crozet VA

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Paragon PA

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Tellico NC

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Uwharrie NC

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Windrock TN

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I just voted for windrock, I am 30 minutes from there. It has a wide variety of trails from mild to wild. July altough is not a good time of year, too hot and humid. Spring runs can get real messy with the rains, fall seems to be best for conditions. These are just my thoughts and I would be willing to go to Tellico or Uwharrie NC.

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I voted for Tellico, I think it offers the most range of events for our readers. "Dragon's Tail" and trail 1, for the street rigs, trail 3,4,5,8, and possibly 6 for the 2wds with bigger tires and stock 4wds. Extreme 4x4s for all the rest of the trails with camping and temperatures all can enjoy. Good fishing too.

Either way I'll be a ride-a-long

Lets say 90% sure I'll go no matter where.

nissanboy said:
I noticed we already had a vote for Crozet... I think it shoudl be marked off the list due to the extreme difficulty. It is set up as more Rockcrawling than trail riding.

I disagree. I am the owner of the Crozet park. Stock H2's and Stock TJ's have been here many times. Here is a link to a dealer sponsored run for H2's. We do also offer rock crawling and extreme 4x4 trails. We do not have any green trails though. We have Blue, Black, and Red type trails. As with any 4 wheeling, body and/or drivetrain damage is a possibility.

Here is some H2 run pics (http://www.xjsrule.com/HallH2Run/page1.html). We are more geared towards modified vehicles but can accomodate stockers that have some skids, and have drivers that are sensible. In my experience here, most damage to vehicles happen because the driver is trying optional obstacles or is not listening to their spotter.

We have a park that is not open to the general public and arrangements must be made in advance to wheel here. We like it that way because my wife and I love the sport of 4 wheeling and do it for enjoyment rather than money.


Thanks for posting Chris.

i thought we ahd decided against paragon?

Check the votes. This poll is to figure out where to go, and Paragon and Tellico are running neck and neck, too close to decide which. I have a feeling we'll have to sort it out with a second poll in a couple of days, just like the west coast guys had to do.

I wont be able to make it to a Paragon run... Running Moab and Attica are gonna limit me to a centralized run somewher ein NC or TN would be nice.

I voted for Paragon but would also attend the Crozet, Va park. There would be two vehicles for me, my wife with her Explorer(stock) and my Bronco(not stock). Paragon definately has a large assortment of trails that have become more stock friendly than they were in the past. I've never been to or heard of Crozet but would be more than willing to go. I have to say it's nice to see an owner/operator of a orv area hop on and give an honest assesment of their park and the trails they offer.

haha how many H2's broke tie rods that day? But seriosuly though Thanks for the info Chris.

Unfortunately, I haven't been to any of them. :( I did vote Tellico, but would try to make it to Tellico, URE, or Windrock. The others are too far for me prolly. If I am not able to bring mine, I will see if I can hitch a ride with someone else, if they go, that happens to live pretty close to me. *cough cough* JB :D

tdavis said:
I've heard about motorcycles doing that.. and it's supposed to be thrilling.


You drag your butt all the way out here, and you'll learn just what it took for Ashli and I to go all the way out west to do the Rubicon with you, LOL....

Bring it Awn! :D

TheRookie said:
haha how many H2's broke tie rods that day? But seriosuly though Thanks for the info Chris.

Believe it or not 0 H2's broke their tie rods (out of about 25 or 30 H2's). 1 H2 that had a 6 or so inch suspension lift blew out their airbags on the rear axle trying to go over a rock on the side of a trail. 1 other H2 wanted some harder stuff (We really only had about 3 or 4 trails to accomodate their size), and ended up putting a softball size dent in one of thier doors.

Overall they did pretty good. Most of our trails are too tight for them.


Im in for VA or PA

hey jeepnchris, can you kinda give us an assesment on exaclty how many trails a stock-mildly modified explore (one like mine) could do, and could they be entertained for a weekend out there. How many trails have bypasses (if any), how many of those trails are out of the question if wet? And i hate to bother, but would it be possible to get a photo assement of these easier trails and the harder obstacles on those trails to let the litle guys know what to expect.

GJarrett said:
You drag your butt all the way out here, and you'll learn just what it took for Ashli and I to go all the way out west to do the Rubicon with you, LOL....

Bring it Awn! :D

Uh huh..

You guys can't even decide on a date, let alone a place to go wheeling..

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I'm in Charlotte and go to Uwharrie from time to time. Two weeks ago I lost a window, alternator, t-case skid, and muffler skid to it. I'm still in recovery mode but I'd definitely attend if it's in Uwharrie. BTW....this is my first post even though I've been a member for a while.


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