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A few more pics
this one was taken by Jordon


I do like this one taken by Mike

and then there was flat #2

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Jeez, Jordan's got a good eye mate. The headlight's in Mike's pic look well trippy and I'm sure you were looking for an excuse to bung 35"s on the wicked beast that aint from the east.

Jeez, Jordan's got a good eye mate. The headlight's in Mike's pic look well trippy and I'm sure you were looking for an excuse to bung 35"s on the wicked beast that aint from the east.

Jordon took the pics with his phone, damn goods ones.
and yes there will be 33s or 35s on the Beast b/4 it goes out like that again.

Jeez, Jordan's got a good eye mate. The headlight's in Mike's pic look well trippy and I'm sure you were looking for an excuse to bung 35"s on the wicked beast that aint from the east.

Yepper, he sure does have a good eye for pics!! I don't know why my headlights look like that, it was at dusk, so maybe that had something to do with it. and the hood looks blueish.

Jordon took the pics with his phone, damn goods ones.
and yes there will be 33s or 35s on the Beast b/4 it goes out like that again.

Oh hell yea, never did think a phone could take pics like that. 33's or 35's will make a hell of a difference, plus keeping the vampire killers at bay!!

Well I just order a new rad ,hoses and all to overhaul the cooling system. So hopefully it will be ready for the next run. Now I have to find some new tires, just not sure if I want to go with 33s or 35s. How about some help:feedback:

35"x12.5" with a strong sidewall.

BFG's & Goodyear have some of the strongest sidewalls out there in a A/T & M/T. There are plenty of other good brands out there, and also a lot of not so good brands. Research, research again, and research them all before you buy.

Your rig can handle 35's with that suspension you have. 33's will be a waste IMHO, because as soon as you wheel with em, you will realize you could have gone bigger right away. Were stuffing 33's on much smaller rigs. ;)

Found a couple of pic's for comparison mate.

1st is 33's and 2,3 are 35's and 4 is back to 33's again (Sorry about the mixed up pic's!)

I reckon if you can afford it go with the big boys but I dont really know about clearance and gearing issue's (if there are any):thumbsup:


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That is cool Rob! I agree with Gregg, with a truck your size and having the slightly bigger front axle you might as well just upgrade to 35's and regear it then you'll have descent axle ground clearance, and if you need a slight lift there are plenty options for you.

Your going to have to lift it and trim it some for the 35's. 6" of total lift will be perfect for them to fit.

Remember that link I gave you to the full size bronco forum? I found this sticky there for you to check out with all the info you need to fit them meats.


Edit: Stay away from lift kits with blocks too! An f-250 shackle flip for the rear will net you 5" of lift and an add a leaf in the spring packs will get ya another 1" or so. After a lift kit is installed the steering has to be dealt with to eliminate bump steer. There are a few easy options for that. A 3" body lift and a bunch of trimming will get them 35's on, but they will most likely rub the radius arms still. If you add a 4" lift with extended radius arms to that 3" body lift, your golden, :thumbsup:

BEEF! It's whats for trails! :D

At the very least, I think the front valence needs to come off and maybe an inch or so cut off both ends of the front bumper for them meats. When you start flexing and turning with the suspension compressed, you will know right away what needs to be done ;)
Of course after you get the 3" Body lift installed, they will fit better. :thumbsup:

The work begins:


The old rad where we had patched on the trail with liquid metal


old crap


new stadt housing,stadt, and water pump installed, (BTW Bro, what part goes into the stadt housing BEFORE you put on the housing?) :D


New rad installed


Bloody hell! You blokes don't stuff around do you's:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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