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Dr. Jack

I'll admit I don't come on this forum anymore, and I am far removed from the Explorer scene. Seeing the latest updates in this thread though, and the love and attention this machine is getting, made me smile. Great job guys and thank you for keeping this rig alive.

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Fantastic work! You are true fanatics! (Meant in the best way possible) :)


Seeing the latest updates in this thread though, and the love and attention this machine is getting, made me smile. Great job guys and thank you for keeping this rig alive.

Ain't it great!!!

Headed to Austin to pick up the rig in about an hour, can't wait!!!!!

Well, i do believe someone has reacquired the Dr. Jack!

:D:D:D:D:D:D And extremly happy and grateful for yours, Kris's, and Dan's work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The secret santa gift, thank you , Santa!!!!!




and why a vise was added to the front bumper


Congrats Mike! I hope it was worth the wait. :)

Awesome job Kris and Russell!

Oh and Mike, do try to be careful with that exhaust this time. ;)

Congrats Mike! I hope it was worth the wait. :)

Awesome job Kris and Russell!

Oh and Mike, do try to be careful with that exhaust this time. ;)

It was damn sure worth the wait!!! And I will be more careful with the exhaust, Dan!!!

Damn I didnt realize how much weight I have lost LOL

Looking good, Russell!

Awesome! Great work you guys! :thumbsup:

One of these days we will get the chance to wheel our rigs together!

X2! One day the wheeling gods will allow us to get our rigs together, Gregg!!!!

More pics are to follow, I'm back on the road today so they will be coming in later.

First item to be done is to get it into town and get an updated inspection.

Shipping snafu with my air compressor, (not UPS's fault), had it delivered to Robert's house but it was required to be signed for and neither one of us are home during the week, couldn't get the timing down right and by the time I called UPS to make other arrangements it was sent back to ARB. We couldn't even get the timing down to sign the card to make the deliverly without anyone being home. So now Bro is going to check with his work to see if I can get it delivered there.

35's will be going on as soon as we can.

Replacement rear bumper is ordered, this one is having a swing out tire carrier and fuel can mounts.

Plus more items as I think of them.:D

Cant you make the existing bumper, to have the swing out? :scratch:

I tried that, not a pretty picture, so going with the pro.

The new air compressor for the Jack. Went to a gun show in Ft. Worth today and said "what the hell" there's a 4wheel parts store not far from where the gun show was, and ran over there. Still have to order the replacement parts for the switches and such, (and yes I have the site where to order them) but the air lines, fittings, and electrical parts are gonna be new.


Nice bud I like!

Thank you. sir!!!!

Got to take the Jack on a small road trip today, just to get some gas in it and run it on the hardball and then a gravel road,DAMN it runs sweet!
( it is weird to pull up to get gas and there is a sign on the pump saying "Pump gas before paying"

New rear bumper from jamscal!!



Hanging for painting.



You might be a redneck if you use a section of pipe for a counterbalance.


(whistling cat call) Dang Dr. Jack is purty!

Sweet as pie! :thumbsup:

LOL, Thanks Daniel and Gregg!!!

The rig is really falling into place where I wanted to get it, Kris, Russell, and Dan really took a big load off my shoulders with everything they did for the Jack. (And now when I drive over to Robert's house in the rig, I don't do as much backroad so it don't get so dirty!!!!!, and he got a well desrved bath after I got off the back roads)

The 35's were planned to go on this weekend but other things came up and there was no time, so when the timing is right for Robert and myself to be back home when the shop is open they will be installed.

The rest of the air line parts are at my brother Gene's house in Waco, I just need to get over there one weekend. (remember folks, getting things delivered here is kinda of a pain with UPS, the post office in now only open 9-1 M-F and 8-10 on Saturday, so that even makes it a issue if something comes USPS, the best deliverly service for myself is FedEx)

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Looking good Mike!
